Age-old Quandries Made Fresh and Engaging

A riveting, agonizing story of individuals and their larger communities who face personal and communal conflicts that force them to confront existential, universal questions — the search for hope and meaning, the efficacy and effects of war, and coming to terms with doubts about God. These age-old quandaries are fresh and engaging, even haunting, in this fast-paced novel.

“Wormwood and Gall” is a novel steeped in Biblical realism, with contemporary questions and meaning that linger in the reader’s mind long after finishing the last page.

Paula Mathison

Ancient History Made Contemporary and Compelling

It is in this world of destruction, tragedy, chaos and confusion that Markos and his circle struggle for a sense of humanity and meaning. And, lucky for us, Markos is able to record it for us, as he is a scribe.

Thanks to RW Holmen for also being a scribe, doing the hard work of researching, recording, imagining, and reconstructing a possible scenario of the writing of the Gospel of Mark. This book would be a wonderful addition to a Bible study, to give life to the characters that often seem distant, and to invite us into a world that, though distant in time and place, feels contemporary through Holmen’s writing.

Pastor and artist Colleen Kwong

Enjoy the Fullness of the Journey

The wonder of the Bible is just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, just when you are ready to write a rule or proclaim a doctrine, someone like R. W. Holmen comes along with a refreshingly unique perspective. Using his gifted imagination, astute scholarship and variety of real-life vocational adventures, Holmen shows us something new while challenging us to grow from the experience. Don’t get bogged down in whether “Wormwood and Gall” could have actually happened … enter into it! Live the story first, study it later and enjoy the fullness of the journey.

Pastor Phil Eaves

A Must-read…Historical Fiction at its Finest

I read slowly and thoughtfully, to savor Holmen’s rich character development and the historical, cultural and societal intricacies he brings to the telling. I will relish the experience of Holmen’s rich and unique perspective of Mark’s journey and those with whom he journeyed.

Susan Troselius

A look behind the Gospel of Mark

Historical and archeological details scattered throughout the novel give a richness and grounding to the reading … Holmen knows his history and scripture and weaves them together in a way that surprises and delights … The question of, ‘Who am I’ (from the perspective of both Jesus and the reader), lies at the heart of Mark’s gospel and is raised in a variety of ways throughout this novel … an organizing principle.

Pastor Wesley White, author of “Slow Reading the Gospel of Mark”

This is a worthy read…

Brilliance in historical fiction lies in stitching together the tumult of large events through the lives of fictional characters, their veracity resulting from meticulous and encyclopedic research into the events themselves, the cultures of the time, the societies that existed within those cultures, and an understanding of the impact on the future flowing out from this time. Markos … seeking to extract meaning from the events of his life as they happen, is drawn along a path towards authenticity about who he is. We, you, will be pulled along with him.

Phil Soucy

It asks questions that I ask myself

Although the history, clothing, food, economy and the politics are accurately captured by Holmen, his focus is on existential meaning, the question whether creation is good or evil, the meaning of one’s death, and overarching all questions, does my existence simply end with my life?

Mike Allen

Comments from a Midwest Books Awards Judge

RW Holmen weaves authentic historical details into this gripping tapestry of horror, hope, and reckoning that was the Great Roman-Jewish War.

Poetic language blends deep theological concepts into tense moments and engaging actions which carries the reader throughout the narrative.

Anonymous judge

An Amazon Reviewer

Wormwood and Gall offers remarkable insight into an often-overlooked period of history while providing an engaging personal story. It’s well worth your time.

Michael Haupt

Wormwood and Gall


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