If you’re a Trump supporter, here’s a quiz for you in the quiet of your own thoughts. Don’t be defensive; dare to think long and hard and ponder the questions seriously.

1)  Why did Russia want Trump to win?

2)  Why do black voters overwhelmingly disapprove of Trump? Hispanics? LGBTQ? Women?

3)  Why does Trump receive his highest approval ratings from less-educated voters and his lowest approval from highly-educated voters?

4)  Despite radically increasing the national debt and postponing the payment due to future generations, did Trump’s tax legislation help you?

5)  Why has international confidence in the US plummeted under Trump?

6)  Does it matter that Trump lies repeatedly?

7)  Why does Trump resist disclosure of his finances?

8)  Why do white nationalists support Trump?

9)  Does moral character in our leaders matter?

10) If you honestly wrestled with 1-9, why do you still support Trump?