Tag Archives: jerusalem temple

Ancient History Made Contemporary and Compelling

Colleen Kwong is a pastor and an artist (potter). We began bumping into each other and exchanging our work a few years ago at church conventions. My fingers trace her clay labyrinth that sits on my desk. I sent her a proof copy of Wormwood and Gall, and she soon replied that she “devoured” it and sent the following review.

Who would think that a book that begins with “On a late summer’s day in the reign of Emperor Vespasian…” would be a page-turner?! And yet, RW Holmen has taken a page from ancient history and made it feel utterly contemporary and compelling.

He describes the sensory atmosphere of first century Jerusalem and environs with such ferocity that one feels, smells, sees, hears, and tastes the desperation and the occasional delight of those present in that place.

As with other writings that engage historical settings, we know the ending before we begin, but Holmen is able to take us on the journey with the protagonist Markos (the reconstructed imagined writer of the gospel of Mark) with such clarity that we feel the urgency of the time.

For the knowledgeable historian, this book offers insights into the very human aspects and possible scenario for the writing of Mark’s gospel. For those with less historical knowledge, it provides enough factual information to make the story understandable in its historical context.

Holmen hints at the power of the person Jesus through his contacts with Jesus’ relatives and friends, but does not overpower us with the usual saccharine media portrayal of “knowing Jesus as Christ.” He manages to give glimpses into the hope and possibilities of following the Christ as shown in those who knew Jesus and attempt to follow the teachings and example of Godly living. All this in a time that was brutal, where loss is great, and hope is almost unimaginable. Personal decision making and community responsibility is lived out by the book’s characters in varying ways, each having to live with their decisions, and some questioning the meaning of it all.

It is in this world of destruction, tragedy, chaos and confusion that Markos and his circle struggle for a sense of humanity and meaning. And, lucky for us, Markos is able to record it for us, as he is a scribe.

Thanks to RW Holmen for also being a scribe, doing the hard work of researching, recording, imagining, and reconstructing a possible scenario of the writing of the Gospel of Mark. This book would be a wonderful addition to a Bible study, to give life to the characters that often seem distant, and to invite us into a world that, though distant in time and place, feels contemporary through Holmen’s writing.

More Reviews: Wormwood and Gall

A pair of new reviews have been posted on Amazon. I asked Pastor Phil Eaves and Susan Troselius to review advanced reader copies of Wormwood and Gall, knowing that they had earlier expressed appreciation for A Wretched Man. On one hand, it is fair to say that these are cherry-picked reviewers for that reason, but there was also a level of dread on my part that the latest novel might disappoint and fail to live up to the expectations raised by my first novel.

Phil Eaves is a retired pastor and former St. Olaf College trustee living in Northfield, and he arranged several appearances/book readings on my behalf in that college community when A Wretched Man was first released. His review of Wormwood and Gall “came pouring out after an engaging and delightful adventure in reading your remarkable new book.  I have not written many reviews and it is not exactly my forte so I penned these comments as more of a personal response.” It’s pitch perfect.

The wonder of the Bible is just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, just when you are ready to write a rule or proclaim a doctrine, someone like R. W. Holmen comes along with a refreshingly unique perspective. Using his gifted imagination, astute scholarship and variety of real-life vocational adventures Holmen shows us something new while challenging us to grow from the experience. Don’t get bogged down in whether “Wormwood and Gall” could have actually happened … enter into it! Live the story first, study it later and enjoy the fullness of the journey.

Susan is a colleague at Central Lutheran in Minneapolis. When she heard of the pending publication of the novel, she asked, “Where can  I get a copy?” My response was to offer a “proof copy” in exchange for her feedback. Her review follows under the Amazon heading, “A must-read…historical fiction at its finest”:

After many conversations with R.W. Holmen regarding my anticipation of his next novel, I was delighted to receive the advance reader copy of “Wormwood and Gall.” In this account of Mark, believed to be the author of the first of the four Gospels in the New Testament and, as with “A Wretched Man”, I needed to read slowly and thoughtfully, to savor Holmen’s rich character development and the historical, cultural and societal intricacies he brings to the telling. The gift that Holmen gave me in this book was painting a picture for me of what might have been and how it may, or may not, mesh with my own interpretation of history in this, or any other gospel account. As usual, I have more questions than answers; for now, I will relish the experience of Holmen’s rich and unique perspective of Mark’s journey and those with whom he journeyed.

I am flattered and immensely thankful for the kind words.

Early Amazon reviews for Wormwood and Gall

Folks who received advance reader copies of Wormwood and Gall have posted five-star reviews on Amazon.

Pastor Wesley White has penned his own book centered in Mark’s gospel, entitled, Slow Reading the Gospel of Mark, a reflective, meditative, and introspective invitation into the gospel narrative.  Pastor White’s review of Wormwood and Gall lauds the historical integrity, the weaving of scriptural themes, and the theological consistency of the novel with the gospel:

Historical and archeological details scattered throughout the novel give a richness and grounding to the reading … Holmen knows his history and scripture and weaves them together in a way that surprises and delights … The question of, ‘Who am I’ (from the perspective of both Jesus and the reader), lies at the heart of Mark’s gospel and is raised in a variety of ways throughout this novel … an organizing principle.

Phil Soucy also commends the historical underpinnings of the novel:

Brilliance in historical fiction lies in stitching together the tumult of large events through the lives of fictional characters, their veracity resulting from meticulous and encyclopedic research into the events themselves, the cultures of the time, the societies that existed within those cultures, and an understanding of the impact on the future flowing out from this time.

Soucy adds that the novel speaks to the human condition through the experiences of the principal character:

Markos … seeking to extract meaning from the events of his life as they happen, is drawn along a path towards authenticity about who he is. We, you, will be pulled along with him.

My thanks to Wesley and Phil as they help to bring Wormwood and Gall to the attention of readers interested in Biblical history and the big questions in life.

Wormwood and Gall: an odd book title

The Hollywood screenwriter who hopes to bring A Wretched Man to a movie screen near you, once complimented me on my imaginative, and sometimes provocative, book titles: A Wretched Man, Gonna Stick my Sword in the Golden Sand, Queer Clergy. I could add my current work in progress, Lady Liberty is a Bitch. So, where does Wormwood and Gall come from? For starters, Wormwood is a medicinal herb, and gall is bitter bile.WormwoodandGall.FRONT

Of course, Paul’s own self-designation provides the title for A Wretched Man. “Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” Romans 7:24. Similarly, Wormwood and Gall derives from a Biblical reference: in this case, a lament for Jerusalem:

How lonely sits the city that once was full of people! How like a widow she has become, she that was great among the nations! She that was a princess among the provinces has become a vassal.

The thought of my affliction and my homelessness is wormwood and gall! My soul continually thinks of it and is bowed down within me. But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, and his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 1:1 & 3:19-22

This lament aptly suggests the novel’s theme. In the midst of despair as Roman legions besiege Jerusalem, and all seems lost, a narrator scribes ink strokes on a papyrus scroll to bolster courage and inspire hope in the beleaguered remnant of Jesus followers, four decades after his crucifixion. The novel characterizes Markos (Greek for “Mark”) as someone who wrestles with existential questions as to the meaning, or meaninglessness, of life.

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