Tag Archives: ELCA

Pain as proof

We moved last week, just down the block, but packing, transporting, and unpacking a household is an onerous task regardless of the distance.  Still walking around boxes and nursing a stiff old body that will turn social-security-eligible next week.  In the middle of it all, I had a book signing on Saturday, and Sunday marked the third installment of a four part series I am teaching at my congregation about the canonization of the New Testament—the centuries long process of determining which writings would become the sacred books of Christianity.  A story of conflict and controversy and erecting boundaries to define the outsider.  I offer these personal notes as explanation for the dearth of posts on this blog recently.  But today I’ll offer my thoughts on a subject that has been festering for awhile.

Pastor Cary and Pastor Jeff are commenters to this blog with a different point of view than my own.  I’m decidedly pro-revised-ministry-policies, and they’re both opposed.  Pastor Jeff suggests that his Arizona congregation has or will soon leave the ELCA and Pastor Carey is a leader of a SE Minnesota group called “Faithfulness Gathering” whose vision is To create a home for faithful Lutherans in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa.  The clear implication is that those of us who support the ECLA policies aren’t numbered among the faithful.

Pastor Jeff has twice invited me, via a comment on my blog, to write a post about an ELCA synod that has significant financial difficulties.  Pastor Cary writes that the ELCA is a “sinking ship” and the only question posed on his blog is whether to join CORE or LCMC.  Why do these two and many others keep pointing to negative ELCA statistics and anecdotal evidence of pain in the parishes?  That several hundred ELCA congregations have or will sever their ties with the ELCA is undisputed as is the knowledge that thousands of individuals will also move elsewhere.  No doubt about it, these departures and the residual anguish in many congregations are immensely painful for the ELCA. 

But why chirp about it?

Some would suggest that it is mean-spirited reveling in the struggles of the ELCA, pleasure in the pain of one’s opponents, but I’ll give them more credit than that.  Instead, I think they seek to prove a point, and they cite the pain of the ELCA as proof—of what?  That the decisions of CWA09 were wrong?  To create a collective “buyer’s remorse” regarding the decisions of CWA09?  There’s a certain “you were warned” tone to the comments.  The admonition “if the ELCA adopts pro-gay ministry policies, then there will be mass defections” has come true.  That’s why it’s also necessary to overstate and hype the defections.  Why, some suggest that the ELCA itself is damaged beyond repair (a sentiment Pastor Cary may share).  But fear not, Lutheran CORE will leap into the breach with their proposal for a “reconfiguration of North American Lutheranism.”  Drum roll, please.

If maintaining unity in the ELCA is a greater priority than enacting justice, then I see their point.  Steady as she goes.  Don’t make waves.  Avoid controversy.  Refrain from challenging the folks in the pews with enlightened notions of human sexuality; after all, the gays left their church a long time ago.  Don’t talk about sex at all.

Change can be painful.  Don’t free the slaves, Mr. Lincoln, or we’ll secede from the union.  And when we do, it’s really you who leave us.  Must our kids remind us that doing the right thing is not always popular?  So, the next time someone flaunts the latest congregation to vote itself out of the ELCA, I ask what does that prove other than that the ELCA was willing to risk, to take a stand, to do the right thing despite the self-fulfilling threats of the secessionists?

BTW, I’ll ask my canonization class on Sunday if we’re unbiblical.

Should the ELCA be more democratic? Or less?

Conservative ELCA antagonists continue to rail about the ELCA decision making process in order to delegitimize the church wide decisions of 2009 (CWA09).  The ELCA is too democratic and egalitarian say some.  Failing to note the inconsistency of the argument, others claim that ELCA members and congregations are subservient to an autocratic regime in Chicago, disdainfully dismissed as “Higgins Road”.  Over a thousand voting members, the actual electees from around the US who voted at CWA09, are alternately criticized as dupes of a well-organized and financed gay lobby or as independent spirits who followed their own whims rather than the will of their constituents (the “voting member” rather than “delegate” terminology argument).

Two weeks ago, I attended the NE Minnesota Synod assembly, and I watched and listened to the debate over a resolution to conduct a synod-wide polling of the attitudes of members and congregations regarding CWA09.  If the ELCA only had a direct democracy, the sins of CWA09 would have been avoided; let the people decide!  Then, this past weekend I listened to the debate over a resolution at the SE Minnesota synod assembly that called for synods to have a veto over the decisions of CWA voting members regarding social statements.  A House of Lords to reign in the unbridled actions of the House of Commons?

Which is it? Too much democracy or not enough?  Too hot or too cold, baby bear, or just right, Goldilocks?

Today is the day: ELCA rosters gay clergy

From the moment they called the question and the resolution passed by a 55-45% majority at last August’s ELCA churchwide assembly, Lutherans knew that partnered gay clergy would soon become rostered on the list of ELCA ordained clergy. 

Today is the day.

A visible sign of the wondrous changes in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is the reinstatement of Pastor Bradley Schmeling and Pastor Darin Easler to the roster of ministers of the ELCA. Both had been removed from that roster for being in a committed, same-gender relationship.

The leading Minnesota newspaper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, reported on the local angle, noting that Darin Easler had earlier served in the SE Mn synod (now my home) and also mentioned Anita Hill whose own celebrated case in St Paul was an important waypoint on the journey toward full inclusion.

Because they both had been rostered before, the process was different than for them than, say, the Rev. Anita Hill, who has been pastoring St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church in St. Paul since 2001 without being on the ELCA roster. She said that she’s going to apply for rostering but is waiting so that the distinction of being first goes to a California minister who was the first lesbian to challenge the old ELCA policy.

And, speaking of the 20 year old California extraordinary ordinations of gay and lesbian pastors, here is a video that retells and celebrates the story of Jeff Johnson, Phyllis Zillhart, and Ruth Frost.  The video was released on the Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM) blog.  Susan Hogan at Pretty Good Lutheran’s blog has more background information, and I also cite my own past post.

Jumping on the bandwagon: bashing Lutheran CORE

When teaching about sex replaces teaching about salvation as a defining mark of the church, something has clearly gone severely awry.

Nearly ten years ago, I taught an adult forum at my church about the Biblical treatment of homosexuality.  One of the participants raised the familiar notion that the progressive view abandoned the Bible in favor of popular culture.  It struck me that she was right but she had the roles reversed.  That is, it seemed that the conservative religious view was based on cultural homophobic impulses instead of Biblical hospitality and inclusivity teachings or on the logical implications of Jesus’ two commands.  The Biblical “clobber passages” served as convenient proof texts for a fearful and misinformed popular culture notwithstanding solid Biblical scholarship that rejected the implications of the passages for a modern day.

Professor Jon Pahl A fresh scholarly article that is lighting up the Lutheran blogosphere makes this point explicitly and eloquently.  Thus, I’m jumping on the bandwagon and joining many blog friends who are promoting the article by theologian Jon Pahl who is Professor of the History of Christianity at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, and a Fellow in the Center for the Study of Religion at Princeton University.

Professor Pahl is no Casper milk toast.  Here is a sampling of his smack-down commentary:

All in all, the core of Lutheran CORE is rotten. One can get more than a whiff of Docetism, Donatism, and Pelagianism — heresies all — in the doctrinal formulations of the various groups represented in the coalition. Lutheran CORE represents, in its demographic and historical contours, a largely white, heterosexual, male backlash against the supposedly evil changes in gender roles, sexual mores, and participatory democracy that marked the 1960s.

Read and enjoy his full article here.

April news: Lutheran CORE, WordAlone, LCMC

The April newsletter from Lutheran CORE is out.  The eleven page missive contains two pages trumpeting their August Convocation and nine pages bashing the ELCA.  Surprise, surprise, they persist in charging the rest of us with error, heresy, and apostasy.  Indeed, their theologian du jure claims that the ELCA is now directly challenging the authority of God.

In previous posts about the ELCA Church Council meeting earlier this month, commenters wondered why ELM representatives were allowed to be present but not CORE folks.  Turns out CORE supporters were there and a couple offered their perspectives in the CORE newsletter.  Interestingly but apropos of nothing, both mentioned the great views from the ELCA offices in Chicago.

The WordAlone Network held their annual meeting recently, and their big order of business was rebranding themselves as WordAlone Ministries and proclaiming a “New Day”.  WordAlone president Jaynan Clark apparently offered an emotional plea of repentence, falling to her knees during her keynote sermon, begging forgiveness “for anything WordAlone failed to do that the Lord called it to do in the past 10 years.”  Can I hear an amen?  Why do Matt 6:1-8 and a blubbering Jimmy Swaggert come to mind? 

The LCMC leadership conference in Omaha is underway right now.  More later.

April tally of congregations voting out of the ELCA

In response to my request to the office of the ELCA secretary, I received an email from The Rev Ruth E Hamilton, Ph.D., which is reprinted below:

These are the latest statistics:

As of April 7, we have been advised that 308 first votes have been taken by congregations to terminate their relationship with the ELCA (some congregations have taken more than one first vote).  Of those 308 first votes, 221 passed and 87 failed.   Synods also have informed the Office of the Secretary that 90 congregations have taken a second vote, 89 of which passed.  (This does not mean that all of these congregations have been removed from the roster because Synod Council approval is required for congregations established by the ELCA and former congregations of the Lutheran Church in America, and, in some cases, the vote is disputed because questions exist regarding the process.  The Office of the Secretary will remove a congregation from the roster only upon advice of the synod.)  As of this date 46 congregations have been removed.

For comparison purposes, the website of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) reports 185 new congregations since CWA09.  It would appear that a heavy preponderance of the congregations departing the ELCA are coming to rest in LCMC, which raises interesting issues for the Lutheran CORE progeny, the new denomination scheduled to start next August, which will be called the North American Lutheran Church (NALC).  Again, remember that the ELCA counts over 10,000 congregations on its rolls.

ELCA Synod Assembly update: NE Minnesota

This past weekend, the NE Minnesota synod of the ELCA met in annual assembly at Cragun’s Resort near Brainerd.  The annual assemblies rotate between this venue and the Duluth Entertainment & Convention Center in alternate years.  This is the synod my wife and I formerly belonged to, and it was a delight to see many familiar faces and to renew friendships.  We were in attendance to promote my recently released novel of Biblical fiction, A Wretched Man.

In private conversations with Bishop Tom Aiken, and in his report to the assembly, Bishop Tom said that the eight months since the church wide assembly decisions of August (CWA09) have been difficult … but it is the nature of the church to always face a crossroads, he added.

Bishop Thomas AikenSome in our synod are joy-filled about the new ministry policies, some are unhappy, and the bulk are somewhere in between, pondering this issue and willing to live with our decisions as a church. I believe we can be a stronger church if we take this time in the life of our synod, to become more dedicated to a deeper study of Scripture and grow more fervent in our love for each other and for our call to the ministry of reconciliation we received from God.

The Bishop reported that nine synod congregations had taken first votes to leave the ELCA, but only one first vote had achieved the required 2/3 majority.

I spoke at length with two ladies whose congregations are in conflict (one congregation voted to stay and the other is likely to vote to leave), and the tears in their eyes and quivering lips betrayed their anguish.  For both, the most odious and hurtful aspect of the conflict was that their own faith as Christians was being questioned; despite lengthy involvement as leaders of their local congregations, their own moral standing before God was the subject of whisper campaigns because they dared to support gays and the ELCA, and their own pastors had been complicit in the judgmentalism of the schismatic faction.

Coincidentally, the weekend saw a similarly self-righteous op-ed piece published by a Duluth newspaper (Duluth is the largest city in the synod and the home of the ELCA synod offices).  The article was entitled Pastor’s view: ELCA must repent for turning back on God and subtitled Lutheran? I don’t think so.  Curiously, the newspaper named the author as a pastor of a local Lutheran church but failed to note his LCMS (Missouri Synod) affiliation.

The only official order of business pertaining to the revised ELCA ministry policies was a resolution calling for a polling of congregations and congregational members regarding their views of the CWA09 decisions.  The first speaker from the floor opposed the resolution because it was extra-constitutional—a method of decision-making inconsistent with constitutional procedures.  A second speaker suggested it was time to move on and that such a polling would prick the scab off the still fresh wound in his own congregation that had voted to stay and to move forward.  Following repeated invitations from the bishop for someone to speak in favor of the resolution, one person came forward and offered half-hearted support.  The fourth speaker moved the question, and the resolution failed by an overwhelming show of hands—to my eyes, it appeared that only 10% or so supported the resolution.

Last week, I reported on the first round of springtime ELCA synod assemblies, and I invite you to post a comment about your assembly.

Springtime in the synods UPDATED

The primary legislative body of the ELCA is the assembly of voting members.  Nationally, there are church wide assemblies every two years, but in each of the 65 regional synods, there are annual, springtime assemblies.  The season of synod assemblies has begun, and the first reports are trickling in.  I encourage folks of various synods who follow this blog to provide your own reports of your assemblies.

Synod assemblies often consider resolutions or memorials urging the church wide assembly to do this or that.  These resolutions are not binding but merely express the mood or prevailing views of the various synods.  According to the Fargo, North Dakota, Forum newspaper, the Eastern North Dakota synod rejected a resolution that would have urged a reversal of the pro-LGBT ministry policy resolutions enacted at the 2009 church wide assembly (CWA09).  The Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast synod also met this past weekend, and there were apparently no resolutions pertaining to the CWA09 decisions.  According to one report, the bishop reported that the sister synods in South America and Africa had not expressed disapproval of the revised ELCA ministry policies, and the bishop suggested immigration reform ought to be the paramount concern of this synod in geographical proximity to Latin America.

This weekend, I will be in attendance at the NE Mn synod assembly (our old synod) where I will have a display promoting my book, but I will certainly pay close attention to the actions of the voting members.  In two weeks, my wife and I will be voting members at our new SE Mn synod’s assembly in Rochester.

Again, I urge readers to provide reports from other synod assemblies.  A full calendar (pdf file) of springtime assemblies is available from the ELCA website.


The third synod assembly held last weekend was in SW Minnesota.  In a private email from a voting member, I was informed that a resolution to memorialize churchwide to rescind the ministry policy actions of CWA09 was defeated, but not without “nasty and high hatted” debate points offered by the conservative proponents of the failed resolution.

National media discovers the ELCA

The recent actions of the ELCA council revamping ministry policies and welcoming ELM clergy into the ELCA were natural consequences of CWA09–hardly surprising but welcome nevertheless.  For those of us in the ELCA, as well as the trio of dissident organizations (LCMC, CORE, & Wordalone), the news and the issues behind the news are in some ways old hat. 

Dr. Cindi Love Not so with a national news article appearing on the Huffington Post and the hundreds of comments that follow.  The article was written by Rev Dr. Cindi Love, the newly appointed executive director of Soulforce (an LGBTQ advocacy group).  Except for the rather notably understated reference to CWA09 as merely “discussions”, the article is pretty straight forward.  Many of the comments that follow the article are rants from trolls.

Yet, I commend the article and the comments because it affords us a glimpse into the way others view Lutherans.  Hear the words of Dr. Love:

The ELCA has served as the beta test site for a process through which a very traditional faith community can reverse its thinking and policies. They will continue to push the envelope and all of us will learn from their experiences. Other denominational leaders and congregants will be glad that they tested the waters first.

The ELCA has conducted itself with grace and dignity, and many of us are longing for some of that type of public civility. Their example is going to make people within other embattled denominations long for a better process within their own communities. The ELCA members didn’t wage war in public with one another. There was no public outcry that diminished everyone while they worked their way through a quarter century of discussion.

One critical comment pointed out that Love overlooks the pain of dissension felt in some congregations and some geographical areas such as Montana:

Unfortunately the ELCA churches of Montana are going through tremendous upheaval over this issue- yes, they are arguing in public, friendships of many years are dissolving as people refuse to talk to one another, or yell at each other, some churches have stopped donating to the ELCA altogether etc. Most every church is taking a vote on whether to leave the ELCA or not. This is the situation in Montana, and it’s not pretty or quiet- and readers need to know that tremendous pain is being caused by this process.

Other comments contain plenty of judgment and condemnation:

ELCA – Another Apostate Denomination … God will be their judge. Woe to them when that time comes.

But, there is a refreshing new awareness from many that the ELCA may be a welcoming place.  There is a recurring theme of agnostics and wounded former Christians taking a second look.  Here is a sampling:

So Lutherans, I applaud your decision to welcome ALL your children back into your pews. I hope other religious leaders will follow your example.

I’m confused, but for the most part happy. As a proud agnostic, I have issues with people’s struggle to be accepted by a segment of the population that blatantly thought less of them. However, I wholeheartedly embrace the decision by the church as something loving and progressive.

I am not even a Christian, but nonetheless, throughout my life, I have revered the message of Christ – one of love and tolerance and inclusion. And that’s what the Lutherans did with this declaration – they embraced the loving spirit of Christ regardless of the words (and translated, to boot!) in the book … Jesus would be proud of them. They are walking with the spirit in love and acceptance. Exactly the way Jesus intended.

What is so striking to me about the Lutheran journey toward inclusion is the way that, in recent years especially, they have considered their ministry to the LGBTQ community. When asked, what is the pastoral message to the LGBTQ, they have had an answer. All too often, our congregations/denominations reveal that they have no response to the pastoral needs of the LGBTQ community. Kudos to the ELCA! May we all follow their example.

Some straight people equate homosexuality with one thing SEX. Why not try just once to look at us as people. You are so hung up on the sexual aspect you can’t see the forest for the trees. Stop using the bible to do your dirty work and stop hiding behind it. Do some research or are you afraid to learn we put our socks on one foot at a time just like you. I imagine many bibles are only dusted off when needed as an anti gay weapon because you would not be spewing this garbage if you read it.

Congratulations, ECLA, and a bit of applause from one of the ‘neighbors.’ 🙂
You’ve helped make the world a little less divided tonight, …whatever some may say, less hate in the world can’t be bad.  Blessed be.

When it comes to Christians, the Lutherans are probably the most tolerant. They believe in grace.

Once I read this, as a former Mormon but (continuing) homosexual man, I have spent the afternoon researching the Lutheran-organized charities in my neighborhood. I am thrilled that there is finally a faith-based organization I can believe in (even though it has specific tenets with which I do not agree.) I am excited that I can volunteer with or donate to their charity organizations without the underlying fear that the fruits of my good intentions will go toward encouraging further discrimination against me, my husband and my fellow gay brothers and sisters.

There was a time when this news would have meant a lot to me personally. I still think it’s great, particularly since the influence of the church is so huge in the U.S. I’m happy that a major mainline denomination has taken this step and hope it will lead others (like the milk toast Methodists) to finally do the same. For me personally, however, this is too little to late. I gave up on the church long ago partly because of it’s stance on homosexuality, among a host of other nonsensical stances. I now consider myself an agnostic more inclined to support secular humanism that some religious superstition and hierarchy. Still – congratulations to those still within the church who have worked so hard for this victory against prejudice and ignorance.

Even as a non-believer, I find this to be great news. Thank you, Lutherans. Maybe some believers actually are good people.

Canadian Lutherans preparing human sexuality social statement

ELCIC logo Our Lutheran friends and family north of the border (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada—ELCIC) are boldly stepping forward with the process of creating a social statement on human sexuality.  Of course, it was the ELCA sexuality statement and related changes to ministry policies enacted at the 2009 churchwide assembly (CWA09) that has roiled the ELCA, the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States.  The Canadian Lutherans are in the process of discernment and discussion with the goal of presenting the finished policy statement to their 2011 national assembly.  For information on the process, check out the ELCIC website.

At this time, the first draft has been created consisting of eleven pages.  Although the document deals with the broad range of human sexuality, certainly the passages relating to gays and lesbians will draw the greatest attention.  Here is what this preliminary document, released April 15th, states:

This church acknowledges diversity of opinion on how to respond to the reality that people of orientations other than heterosexual are members of our neighbourhood and are faithful members of this church. Our church is affected by the biases of our heterosexually-privileged culture, and by our society’s call for more openness. Working from a rich and faithful practice of Word and Sacrament, members of this church have come to very different opinions on these matters.

Opportunities for ministry will be maximized by permitting congregations to engage in practices that more fully enable persons of various sexual orientations to live as members of the body of Christ and as co-workers in ministry. This would empower congregations to support families and the processes of healing, no matter how family is defined, and to help nurture disciples who “are responsible persons made in the image of God.”

This church commits itself to engaging the diverse faces of the world in which we live. This church recognizes that meeting diverse peoples and forming a truly inclusive community will be a journey of discovery that will include moments of discomfort and anxiety. This church celebrates the vital role that congregations play in helping diverse people of faith to meet and to form community.