I had coffee recently with the chaplain of St. Olaf, one of Northfield’s private, liberal arts colleges and an ELCA school with deep roots in American Lutheranism.  His student based congregation is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation (open and affirming toward gays), but he said that status is old hat.  Gay rights, including gay clergy and marriage equality, are no longer issues for this generation, he said.  A fait accompliDe facto if not yet de jure.  As baby boomers like me argue, this generation has moved on.

Just last week, a lesbian couple in the twin cities, after first being banned from processing together in a high school social, were welcomed enthusiastically by fellow students.   Last fall, another twin cities student, a gay youth whose article in the school newspaper was banned, was later elected homecoming king.  By the example of their experience, they hasten the inevitable change that is becoming matter-of-fact.

Another young man spoke eloquently recently about his personal experience.  The nineteen year old college student from Iowa spoke before a legislative committee that is considering a constitutional amendment to overturn a ruling by the Iowa Supreme Court a couple of years ago authorizing gay marriage.  This high-achieving student spoke of his experience of growing up with two moms.

Hear him speak.