Category Archives: Religious News

ELCA Convention Postscript #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

That was the the week that was, to borrow a line from a 60’s TV show.  I spent the weekend winding down after a busy and emotional week at the 2009 ELCA convention as a volunteer for Goodsoil, an LGBT friendly advocacy group.  I offered regular posts throughout the week as the events unfolded, but I suggest two posts, in particular, that reflect the mood on the ground regarding the two critical votes: passing the human sexuality statement and passing the recommendation to allow persons in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as rostered leaders of this church.”

Immediately after the Friday vote to allow gay clergy, I saw Lutheran Core representatives “spinning” the press (I talked to a young reporter from the New York Times right after she had been “spun” with the Core talking points).  It’s hardly surprising that the media tends to focus on the negative, the conservative backlash, the prospect that some may leave the ELCA, when Lutheran Core chooses to fan the flames of dissent.  The Core press release sounded an open call to schism:

Lutheran CORE leaders are calling on faithful Lutherans to meet in Indianapolis in September to begin an expanded ministry that draws faithful ELCA congregations and members together. They are also encouraging ELCA members and congregations to direct finances away from the ELCA churchwide organization to faithful ministries within and outside of the ELCA.

Since they call on “faithful Lutherans” and “faithful ELCA congregations”, by implication they accuse those who voted with the majority to be faithless.  This is no conciliatory, unity seeking group; they are hard liners and power hungry.

Governor Quie speaking And, I do not believe they are representative of the many who resisted the assembly actions who nevertheless will remain faithful members of the ELCA.  Former Governor of Minnesota and assembly voting member Al Quie is typical.  Quie had been a leading spokesman on the assembly floor against the various resolutions, yet, he cautioned against overreaction:

After the vote on the third resolution, when another opponent of the rule change threatened to pull out of the ELCA in protest, it was Quie who returned to the microphone to chastise such reactions.

"I was opposed to this [change], too, but that’s my problem," he said. "You can’t say now that you’re going to leave the church. We have to live with this change for a while and see how it works out."

Back home in Northfield, Mn at my Sunday worship service at Bethel Lutheran Church, I heard an inspired sermon from my Pastor, Tim McDermott, based on the gospel text from John, chapter 6.

When many of his disciples heard it, they said.  “This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?” … Because of this, many of his disciples turned back and no longer went with him.  So Jesus asked the twelve, “Do you also wish to go away?”  Simon Peter answered him, “Lord to whom can we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”

And therein lies our unity, though we are male and female, rich and poor, of many rainbow colors, gay and straight, and often of a different mind.


Presbyterian Pastor John Shuck in his Shuck and Jive blog, demonstrates the media’s flippant disregard of the carefully crafted language of the resolutions regarding committed relationships. Instead of referring to persons in “publicly accountable, life-long, monogamous, same gender relationships” (the correct language), the media prefered its own terminology “sexually active gays”:

“Sexually active? As if they are a bunch of horny teens making out in the back of the church van.”

The media tends to titillation whether in reporting disagreement or sex.

They called the question! ELCA Convention approves gay clergy. #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

“They called the question!”

When the facilitator in the darkened computer room made this announcement, many abandoned their computer screens and scrambled back to the floor of the assembly.  Others, tweeters mostly, remained at the ready to release the news – what news? – into cyberspace.

Up in the Goodsoil Central room, LGBT folks, some volunteers but others gathered from around the twin cities to share in this moment, clustered around a big screen TV monitor, clutching the prayer scrawls wrapped warmly around their shoulders.  A horde of red vested volunteers left their desks or their floor monitoring stations and assembled around the big screen in the registration area.

Was this another false alarm?  The question had been called at 11:00 a.m. but the vote to stop debate failed.  The plenary session was adjourned for the midday worship service and those with differing views shared bread and wine together.  Then came the lunch break followed by other scheduled business.  In mid-debatersafternoon, the question was called a second time, but again the motion to end debate failed and emotional three minutes speeches continued rapid fire, first from the red mike, then the green, then red again. 

The tone of some was harsh: “Are you willing to jeopardize your mortal soul?” asked one, but that was the exception; most expressed the angst of interior wrestling, along with Jacob at the ford of the Jabbok, to discern the will of God.  Some reached across the aisle to touch their brother as if to say, “I disagree, but I know your heart, and it is pure.”

The motion to end debate and call the question succeeded on the third try, and the hall hushed as Bishop Hanson said, “Let us pray.”  And then came the electronic vote, “push one for yes, two for no,” intoned the bishop.  Seen only by him, the tally appeared on the Bishop’s monitor; he hesitated for a moment, and then said, “when the results appear on the big screen, please do not respond with clapping or cheering but with prayer.”

559 yes, 451 no. 

prayers No one was surprised, but the moment had arrived.  Gays who love their God but also love another would be allowed to serve as ordained, rostered leaders of their church.  Openly.  Recognized and supported.  The reaction among a thousand voting members and another thousand assembled guests and observers was muted.  By twos and threes and fours and fives, the children of God huddled together in tears and prayer, some in joyous thanksgiving and others in grief. 

Thy will be done.

Flash: The ELCA commits to gay and lesbian clergy! #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

In a historic vote, the ELCA 2009 Churchwide Assembly has authorized the ordination of gays and lesbians. This action has passed by a margin of 559 to 451 or 55% to 45%

Here is the text:

Resolved, that the ELCA commit itself to finding a way for people in such publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as rostered leaders of this church.

This is the big one, the remaining recommendation contains more specific implementing policies, but this recommendation authorizes gay ordination in principal.

Did the ELCA just approve gay marriage? #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Recommendation two (of four) has just passed on the floor of the ELCA 2009 General Assembly. The vote was 61% for and 39% against, and it reads as follows:

Resolved that the ELCA commit itself to finding ways to allow congregations that choose to do so to recognize, support, and hold publicly accountable, life-long, monogamous same gender relationships.

During debate, both opponents and proponents of the recommendation suggested that this open ended recommendation will allow local congregations to conduct gay marriage ceremonies (if allowed in that state). They are probably right. I think the ELCA has just approved rites for gay marriage, in principal.

Early test vote: ELCA convention 2009 #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Former Minnesota Governor Al Quie, a voting member at the ELCA 2009 bienniel Churchwide assembly, has offered a substitute motion in place of the pending recommendation in favor of ordaining gays and lesbians. His amendment is a complete reversal of this course and essentially states that gays and lesbians are not eligible for ordination or rostered clergy unless they remain celibate … a restatement of the status quo.

The assembly rejected this amendment 34% to 66%, and this gives an early sense of the mood and mind of this assembly.

Here is the text of the rejected amendment:

Rostered leadership of this church who are homosexual in their self understanding are expected to abstain from homosexual relations and practicing homosexuals are precluded from rostered leadership in this church.

The healing and reconciliation has begun: ELCA Convention #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

At the outset of today’s plenary session, an amendment to the rules was offered and passed overwhelmingly whose purpose is to bring unity even in the face of disunity. The amendment will have the effect of re-ordering the timing of the resolutions regarding gay ordination. Now, the first resolution will be to affirm that contrary points of view will be respected and the “bound conscience” of all will be honored. This amendment to the order was passed by a vote of 73% to 27%.

I can attest to a mood of reconciliation in the halls even before the votes are taken. Based on previous actions of this assembly, there is a sense that the recommendation to allow gay clergy is likely to pass. Based on this assumption, many are already seeking to hold out the olive branch.

ELCA Convention votes on gay clergy today #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

These folks led the Goodsoil Service at Central Lutheran.  Some of them are out gays and others are Goodsoil supporters. Will the ELCA authorize gay clergy?  The vote on this highly anticipated issue is today.  Discussion and debate has already been underway and will continue this morning. The issue comes up in the context of A Report and Recommendation on Ministry Guidelines

For those who have been following the assembly on this blog or elsewhere, you know that a social statement on human sexuality (The Sexuality Statement) was adopted by the assembly on Wednesday.  The social statement is a teaching document or a broad view of the church’s understanding of certain social issues.  The social statement does not contain any policy provisions per se, but policy decisions, such as Ministry Guidelines, may grow out of a social statement.

The Sexuality Statement passed by a 2/3 majority.  The Recommendation on Ministry Guidelines needs only a majority to pass.

The present policy of the ELCA is to allow gays and lesbians, who are otherwise qualified to serve in the ordained ministry or as rostered leaders, only if they avoid “same-gender sexual intimacy.”  A number of individuals and congregations have challenged this policy with the result that gay clergy presently serve in various congregations but they are not rostered with the ELCA (or, if once rostered, then considered to be “on leave from call”) and the congregations are censured.  See my earlier blog post on these situations.

The proposed recommendation would change this policy to allow gay or lesbian clergy and rostered leaders in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships.”  The task force that made the recommendation recognized the concerns of many and offered a “bound conscience” provision that commits the ELCA to respect differing opinions when implementing the resolution. 

Check out other Goodsoil blogs. Goodsoil Central & Rev Dawn.

ELCA and United Methodists in full communion: ELCA Convention #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Not all important decisions at this biennial convention are controversial. 

The ELCA Churchwide Assembly voted today to enter into a full communion agreement with the United Methodist Church.  In a parade of bishops, many of the 65 synodical leaders marched to the microphones to sing the praises of their relationships with the United Methodist congregations in their region.  Then, the assembly formally authorized the agreement by a vote of 958 to 51 and informally demonstrated their appreciation of this new relationship with a warm, standing ovation.

Bishop Palmer As a prelude to the discussion and vote, Methodist Bishop Charles Palmer delivered the sermon during the worship service earlier in the day.  Here is a link to the story of the agreement from the perspective of the UMC website.  The UMC had 11 million members as of 1968, according to the website, so it is larger than the ELCA.

On a figurative level, such full communion agreements recognize that we have a great deal in common with other mainline Protestant churches, a visible sign of the unity of the church catholic.  These agreements are positive fruits of the ecumenical impulse.  On a more practical level, such agreements allow for sharing of clergy.  An ordained ELCA pastor could be called by a Methodist congregation and vice versa.  As the ELCA bishop of Montana suggested, this is very important in sparsely populated regions, and the opportunity for two parish calls, one Methodist and one Lutheran is very real.

The ELCA already has full communion agreements in place with the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ (UCC), the Presbyterian Church, USA, the Moravian Church, and the Reformed Church of America (RCA).

Here is the description of full communion partnership from the ELCA website:

For the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the characteristics of full communion are theological and missiological implications of the Gospel that allow variety and flexibility. These characteristics stress that the church act ecumenically for the sake of the world, not for itself alone. They will include at least the following, some of which exist at earlier stages:

  • a common confessing of the Christian faith;
  • a mutual recognition of Baptism and a sharing of the Lord’s Supper, allowing for joint worship and an exchangeability of members;
  • a mutual recognition and availability of ordained ministers to the service of all members of churches in full communion, subject only but always to the disciplinary regulations of other churches;
  • a common commitment to evangelism, witness, and service;
  • a means of common decision making on critical common issues of faith and life;
  • a mutual lifting of any condemnations that exist between churches

Then came a great wind: ELCA Convention #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

This afternoon, a tornado touched down in the environs of the Convention Center in Minneapolis.  Within minutes, I stepped outside to find trees uprooted, chairs, tent, and debris strewn about from the outdoor pub set up at Central Lutheran across the street.  Some chairs were found atop the four story convention center.  The traffic light stanchion was bent to a 75 degree angle. No injuries reported.

Inside, debate continued on the floor of the ELCA Convention.  The Sexuality Statement was under discussion. 

“Let us go across to the other side,” Jesus said to his disciples.  The other side of Lake Galilee was the land of foreigners — unclean Gentiles, according to the traditions of the Hebrews.  But a nighttime crossing was dangerous and an unseen storm might come upon them.

This is the story told in Mark, and the gospel text for the Goodsoil service at Central Lutheran this evening.  A thousand or more filled the old church pews and the balconies, and heard the sermon of The Rev. Barbara Lundblad, Associate Professor of Preaching at Union Theological Seminary of New York.  (I feebly attempt to paraphrase her prophetic words here).  When the wind whistled down the gullies of the Galilean countryside, the small boat was tossed about, and Jesus’ disciples were afraid.  “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

Late this afternoon, near suppertime, the tornado and ensuing rainstorm had passed, and the sun peaked through the clouds.  Inside the convention center, the amendments had been considered, the arguments had been raised, and the question was called.  1,014 voting members cast their electronic ballots.  The measure required a 2/3 majority to pass, or 676 votes.  The votes were tallied, and the totals announced: 676 votes for, 338 against.  The measure passed, but without a single vote to spare.

Mark’s story continues: “Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.”

It was a joyous celebration at Central Lutheran this evening; I admit it, I choked up at times –during the procession of more than a dozen gay clergy, at the sight of former Presiding Bishop Herb Chilstrom, at the sometimes soft and sometimes boisterous songs, while tasting the bread and the wine, and while exiting to the pealing bells.  And then, too, when the young gay man finished the Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians:

If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.  Now you, you, you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

I will long remember the joy of this night and sharing the bread and the wine with so many children of God.