Category Archives: Religious News

More Light Presbyterians Conference

God's whole family Our best wishes and prayers go to the More Light Presbyterians meeting in Nashville this weekend, the LGBT advocacy group within the Presbyterian Church, USA (PCUSA).  Here is updated information as the conference approaches (hat tip to Pastor John Shuck at Shuck and Jive blog):

The National Welcoming and Affirming Conference – God’s Whole Family! – is almost here.  A true family reunion set for Labor Day week-end in Nashville, TN!  We’ve got an amazing line-up of programs and speakers, as you can see from the Conference Overview below.  All we need now is YOU! 
Registration is simple!  Just go to  You can’t beat the price – $50 for students and $75 for everyone else.  Even cheaper if you bring a group – 5 for the price of 4! A few scholarships are available, if needed.
Bruce Reyes-Chow, Moderator of the 218th General Assembly, will be with us Friday and Saturday.  When was the last time you had that kind of access to a moderator of the PC(USA)?  In addition to Bruce, we’ve got:
–Rev. Debra Peevey, inspirational leader in the 08-B Campaign 
–Rev Janet Edwards and Rev Ray Bagnuolo, preachers
–The World Premier of God’s New Family, MLP’s newest DVD
–Conference music leader, Patrick Evans
–Nashville in Harmony (the Gay Chorus!)

Workshops include:

–Creating and Empowering More Light Chapters
— Dreamwork: A Way to Listen for God
— Heidelberg Catechism: What is it? Why it’s important; Who needs to Help? YOU!
–Legal and Spiritual Support for LGBT Families
–Marriage Equality: Church and State
–More Light Churches: First Steps – Next Steps
–Pastor as Activist
–Social Justice is Evangelism
–Being Transgender in the Church and the World
–Writing Overtures for Justice: 2010

The More Light Website also points to a couple other excellent articles.  From the Boston Globe op-ed page comes a Sept 1 editorial by Professors Wendy Cadge and Laura Olson that discussed the recent ELCA decision to affirm gay clergy:

American religious organizations have rarely been leaders in national movements for gay rights. With few exceptions, they have been opposed or uninvolved. Yet some are slowly changing their views as they grapple with questions about homosexuality in light of public debates about same-sex marriage and increased visibility of gay men and lesbians in American life. Mainline Protestant denominations in particular are slowly, but deliberately, adopting more tolerant stances.

The piece notes the earlier UCC and Episcopal actions allowing gay clergy and speculates whether the Presbyterian and Methodist churches are also trending in that direction.

Rev. Jean SouthardFinally, the More Light website notes a PCUSA judicial decision exonerating Presbyterian minister, Rev. Jean Southard, for officiating at a lesbian marriage ceremony in Massachusetts where gay marriage is legal.

"I had the privilege and joy of visiting Jean in Waltham and observing her faithful and loving pastoral leadership and service in person.  Jean is one of the most loving and thoughtful pastors I have ever met.  I give thanks to God today that the PJC dismissed the charges against Jean.  Her stalwart commitments to peacemaking, justice and equality in addition to her pastoral heart characterize her life and ministry.  Jean is a blessing to everyone fortunate enough to know her," said Michael J. Adee, Executive Director & Field Organizer, More Light Presbyterians.

When Herb Chilstrom speaks, Lutherans listen: #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Pr. Herbert Chilstrom during Plenary Session Nine When the ELCA was formed in 1987 as the result of merger, the first Presiding Bishop was Herb Chilstrom, and he shepherded nearly five million Lutherans during the formative years of the ELCA’s life.  Herb is now retired and resides in St. Peter, Mn, the home of Gustavus Adolphus College.  My wife and I were in St Peter yesterday visiting our dear friends, Alan and Gretchen Bray.  Alan was our pastor for a decade in the 90’s in Upsala, Mn, and he has been Herb’s pastor since leaving Upsala.  While visiting, Alan shared an email that Herb had circulated following the recent ELCA 2009 Convention, which he entitled Reflections on the Minneapolis Churchwide Assembly.

With the permission of the gracious retired bishop, I reprint portions of his email here.

The final votes had been taken.  On Friday evening many of us gathered to worship and reflect on what had happened.  The room at the Minneapolis Convention Center was filled to near capacity [Goodsoil Central].  We were a mixed group: a synod bishop, straight couples like Corinne and me, straight and gay singles, gay couples, clergy and lay, young and old—a microcosm of the ELCA.

There was no shouting, “We won!”  There were no banners proclaiming, “Victory at last!”

The mood was one of quiet and calm.  We began with a simple plainsong:

Eternal Spirit of the Living Christ,

Come, pray in us the prayers we need this day.

Our hope, our homing ever in your grace.

We’ve come this far by faith; we can’t turn back.

We listened to words of healing from the Bible … we had prayers for healing and hope … we sang.

At the end of the evening, I was invited to share a few thoughts before I pronounced the benediction.  Here is what I said.

I have been asked many times since the voting ended, “What are your thoughts?”  I could only come up with one word: “Bittersweet.”

This is surely a moment of sweetness, of thanksgiving at the end of a very long struggle.

But there is a also a heavy stone at the bottom of my heart this night.  I realize that words I have written and spoken almost surely have contributed to the decision of some to leave our dear church.  Along with so many others, I poured my heart and soul into the formation, birth and early years of our ELCA.  I do not want even one to leave.

But over against this heaviness is the memory of those—and their family and friends—who have already left our church.  And I am also thinking tonight of all those—and their families and friends—who would leave in even greater numbers had they heard another word of exclusion from this assembly.  The door has been opened.  We can’t turn back.

Now, nearly a week later, that same mixed feeling persists.  Here are some of my most poignant memories from the assembly:

**I remember with admiration the words of former Minnesota governor, Al Quie.  He was opposed to the proposals.  But like the statesman and churchman that he is, Quie reminded those on the losing side that the church is bigger than this decision and that we must all remain loyal.

**I take some encouragement from the vote on the final recommendation, the call for implementation of the actions that had been approved.  That it passed by nearly 70% tells us that many who were disappointed by the outcome also realize that we must move on, living out the implications of the decisions.

**I was impressed by the youth who spoke.  I don’t think I would have had the courage to speak at such a huge gathering when I was a teenager.  The word we heard from them was that the issues we were debating were not at the top of their list of concerns.  They want a church that does not exclude any who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Where does all this leave us?  Here is my hope:

That all of us will take a deep, deep breath, asking the promised Holy Spirit to be our Guide, Helper, Counselor, and Friend in the days to come.

That we will give ourselves the time we need to live into this new reality.

That we will pray earnestly for those who lead us.

That will we will concentrate on evangelism, accenting that we are now, more than ever, a church that invites all to share in our rich treasures of Word and Sacrament.

Amen.  Thanks again, Herb, for your graceful leadership.

Is the conservative’s Bible about to become more liberal?

Gutenberg Bible What is the Bible and how do we use it? 

This is a recurring thread in this blog.  See prior discussions here and here.  The question comes up again in light of the announcement that the editors and publishers of the most popular version of the Bible (NIV) plan to issue a new revision that has conservatives stirring.

The world’s most-popular Bible will undergo its first revision in 25 years, modernizing the language in some sections and promising to reopen a contentious debate about changing gender terms in the sacred text.

The New International Version, the Bible of choice for conservative evangelicals, will be revised to reflect changes in English usage and advances in Biblical scholarship, it was announced Tuesday. The revision is scheduled to be completed late next year and published in 2011.

The history of manuscript transmission and interpretation is fascinating and far beyond the scope of a blog post.  For a brief introduction, I suggest the Wikipedia article on Bible Translations.  Equally fascinating are the differing attitudes toward the Bible as blogger Cathy Lynn Grossman notes in her Faith and Reason blog on

How much this matters to you may well depend on how you see the Bible.

The number of people who say they believe the Bible is "the actual word of God and is to be taken literally word for word" has bumped downward from four in ten adults in 1984 to fewer than three in 10 (27%) in 2008, according to Gallup surveys of 1,000 U.S. adults.

Half of Americans say the Bible as "the inspired word of God but not everything in it should be taken literally." And one in five call the Bible "an ancient book of fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man."

In the recent debates at the ELCA convention over LGBT issues, the fundamental disagreements stemmed from differing attitudes toward scripture.  Questioning negative gay Bible passages is a rejection of the authority of scripture argued some conservatives.  No, there are “deeper streams” of interpretation that are more instructive than the “clobber” passages countered the progressives.  Both sides claimed Biblical warrant for their positions.

What is ironic in the current debate over the revisions to the NIV is that this is a fight amongst conservatives and not a liberal/conservative split.  The NIV editors are an independent group of conservative scholars and translators formed in 1965 to create and revise the NIV, and the publisher is Zondervan, an Evangelical publishing house and a Rupert Murdoch company.

It seems that honest scholarship that reveals nuanced shades of gray makes many evangelicals squirm even when the scholars are their own.

Dignity USA and Call to Action: Upcoming Progressive Catholic Events

dignity_logoDignityUSA is the activist organization that advocates for LGBT inclusion within the life of the Roman Catholic church.  Their motto is “celebrating the wholeness and holiness of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Catholics.”

Dignity has announced support for a couple of events in the next few months.  First, a statement from their board of directors announces:

DignityUSA endorses the National Equality March, October 10-11, 2009 in Washington, DC, and will participate fully in this event. As the nation’s foremost organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender Catholics and our allies, we call on members and friends to support this March, and the principles for which it stands. Civil rights for our community is a hallmark of justice, and as Catholics, members of the largest denomination in the US, we believe we have a particular responsibility to witness to our belief in justice for all people in the places where public policy is made, as well as in our Church.

Second, Dignity will be a major participant in the Milwaukee annual conference of Call to Action, which promises to bring several thousand progressive Catholics together in November for three days of “exhibits, prayer, networking, children & teen programs, music, keynote speakers Roy Bourgeois, Dianne Bergant, Clarissa Pinkola Estes and much more!”  Dignity encourages Conference participants to “visit DignityUSA’s table in the exhibit area, meet up with other members and friends during our Friday evening reception, and attend our caucus on Saturday afternoon.”

Here in Minnesota, both Dignity and CTA have local chapters, and blogger Michael Bayly is very active with news of each on several blogs including The Progressive Catholic Voice and The Wild Reed.  He announces that the Minnesota chapter of Call to Action will have its own annual conference on Oct 31, just before the National Conference in Milwaukee.  The local conference will focus on “The Coming Democratization of the Church”.

ELCA Full Communion with Methodists: Followup #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Overshadowed by the ELCA decision to allow gay clergy in committed relationships, the full communion agreement with the United Methodist Church would normally have drawn greater attention.  Here is my original post on this ELCA convention 2009 action on the full communion agreement.

The blog of the Independent Methodist weekly newspaper, United Methodist Reporter, offered an initial report of the agreement with mixed comments.

Perhaps the most significant practical aspect of a full communion agreement is the possibility of shared clergy.  Now that the ELCA has opened the door for rostered clergy in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships”, could such persons be called by a Methodist congregation contrary to UMC ministry standards?  The answer is no, according to the United Methodist Church website:

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s acceptance of pastors in same-sex relationships does not pave the way for noncelibate gay clergy to serve in United Methodist churches, officials from the two denominations said.

The Lutheran vote Aug. 21 to drop its ban on gay clergy, coming a day after the denomination approved a full communion pact including the sharing of clergy with The United Methodist Church, raised the question of whether practicing homosexual Lutheran pastors would be permitted in United Methodist pulpits.

Leaders from both churches said Aug. 26, however, that The United Methodist Church’s ban on noncelibate gay clergy is unchanged.

Palmer speaks at a press conference.

“Our Book of Discipline on that subject did not become null and void when they took that vote," said Bishop Gregory Palmer, president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops. "It still applies to United Methodist clergy."

He said there is an expectation that the church’s stance "would need to be respected" by clergy appointed to serve United Methodist churches.

On the Lutheran side, Michael Trice, associate executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, said the full communion agreement on Aug. 20 “did not compromise” United Methodist ministerial standards.

If clergy in “same-gendered, long-term relationships in the ELCA … want to serve in a United Methodist Church, The United Methodist Church can say we are sorry but that does not fit our protocols," Trice said.


#CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Missouri Synod, WordAlone, and Lutheran Core react to the ELCA Convention #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick, President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) was an invited guest at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly last week.  However, during his address to the convention, he chose to admonish the ELCA:

The decisions by this assembly to grant non-celibate homosexual ministers the privilege of serving as rostered leaders in the ELCA and the affirmation of same-gender unions as pleasing to God will undoubtedly cause additional stress and disharmony within the ELCA. It will also negatively affect the relationships between our two church bodies. The current division between our churches threatens to become a chasm. This grieves my heart and the hearts of all in the ELCA, the LCMS, and other Christian church bodies throughout the world who do not see these decisions as compatible with the Word of God, or in agreement with the consensus of 2,000 years of Christian theological affirmation regarding what Scripture teaches about human sexuality. Simply stated, this matter is fundamentally related to significant differences in how we [our two church bodies] understand the authority of Holy Scripture and the interpretation of God’s revealed and infallible Word.

Now, on the LCMS website, he acts as cheerleader for ELCA dissent, and he offers “appropriate support” in a thinly veiled invitation to defect from the ELCA to the LCMS.

We recognize that many brothers and sisters within the ELCA, both clergy and lay, are committed to remaining faithful to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, are committed to the authority of Holy Scripture, and strongly oppose these actions. To them we offer our assurance of loving encouragement together with our willingness to provide appropriate support in their efforts to remain faithful to the Word of God and the historic teachings of the Lutheran church and all other Christian churches for the past 2,000 years.

Whether ELCA conservatives are willing to embrace the Biblical literalism of the LCMS or the overt patriarchy that does not allow women clergy remains to be seen (in some LCMS congregations, women are not even entitled to vote).  More likely, I think, are the inchoate organizational impulses of WordAlone and Lutheran Core.  What comes of this alliance of ELCA rebels remains to be seen.  WordAlone has long been a conservative voice crying in the ELCA wilderness dating back to their formation as the opposition to the full communion agreement with the Episcopal Church a decade ago.  The big question for WordAlone and Lutheran Core is whether they will merely seek a loud voice as the loyal opposition within the ELCA or whether they will foster a splintering away.

The latest missive on WordAlone’s website pulls no punches:

The ELCA assembly has now voted against the authoritative Word of God. The assembly has swapped His Word for human words that are neither based on sound reason or good order. In fact, the assembly voted against the Word of God, sound reason and the good order of creation.

That is not only not Lutheran, it is not Christian and it is not the work of the church but of a misguided , shrinking, sideline denomination whose leadership’s ears cannot hear and can no longer even discern or recognize, let alone revere, God’s direct warning and intervention.

God will not be mocked.

The article also references the tornado that touched the Convention Center and Central Lutheran Church in a tone reminiscent of the infamous right wing evangelist John Hagee blaming sinful New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina (comments that caused candidate McCain to run away from Hagee’s endorsement as fast as he could).  If WordAlone chooses to engage in such silliness, at least they could be honest and point out the tornado was before the vote, and the sun came out after the vote.

The pontificating of Lutheran Core is no less confrontational:

“Lutheran CORE is continuing in the Christian faith as it has been passed down to us by generations of Christians. The ELCA is the one that has departed from the teaching of the Bible as understood by Christians for 2,000 years,” said the Rev. Paull Spring of State College, Pa., chair of Lutheran CORE.

“I am saddened that a Lutheran Church that was founded on a firm commitment to the Bible has come to the point that the ELCA would vote to reject the Bible’s teaching on marriage and homosexual behavior. It breaks my heart.”

Breaks your heart?  Why do you sound so gleeful in your invitation to schism?

“We can no longer in good conscience participate in this relationship with the [ELCA] offices in Chicago,” Spring said.

“We are encouraging individuals and congregations to join us in Indianapolis to discuss what the future for faithful Lutherans in the ELCA might look like and how faithful congregations and individuals can work together,” [former] Bishop Spring said. “It is crucial that those ELCA Lutherans who uphold the authority of Scripture work together. We need each other. We urge people to come to Indianapolis.”

“We intend to gather the largest possible body of faithful Lutherans so that we might collectively plan a united common future. For that reason it is important that congregations and individuals not make hasty decisions about their future in the ELCA,” Spring added.

Would you like to be bishop of your own church, Rev Spring?

Call to Action calls progressive Catholics to conference

Call to Action is one of the major Catholic reform groups in the US.  As “Catholics working together for Justice and Equality,” their motto for their November 6, 2009 national conference is “Everyone at the Table: Rejoicing as the People of God.”  The three day convention will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and here is a video announcement from the Executive Director, Jim Fitzgerald:


One of the keynote speakers will be Maryknoll Priest, Roy Bourgeois, an outspoken advocate for Women’s ordination.  Father Bourgeois has been the subject of several recent blogposts that have come across my desk.  Pulitzer Prize winning newspaperman Michael Paulson of the Boston Globe writes in his Articles of Faith blog,

I was struck by his fiery certainty. Rather than backing down, or quieting down, he is becoming more forceful. "I have no choice,” he told me. "I have a deep love for my church and my ministry, but at the same time, I know an injustice when I see it.”

Earlier this month, Bourgeois was guest speaker at the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform event here in the Twin Cities, which was discussed at The Progressive Catholic Voice blog.  The same blog has a more recent entry on the Ordination of Women in Minneapolis.

The local Roman Catholic diocese of St Paul and Minneapolis “lovingly cautions” against such activities:

The Archdiocese wishes it to be known that the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform, the 2010 synod, and individuals endorsing the same, are not agents or entities of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis or the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, the Archdiocese wishes to lovingly caution those members of the faithful participating in the ‘work/study groups’ and intending to attend the synod of the potential that the issues on which CCCR will seek reform are magisterial teachings of the Church, and are therefore to be believed by divine and catholic faith. The Archdiocese also wishes to remind the faithful of its need to shun any contrary doctrines, and instead to embrace and retain, to safeguard reverently and expound faithfully, the doctrine of faith and morals proposed definitively by the magisterium of the Church.

Love that smothers.

ELCA Convention: What other bloggers are saying #CWA09 & #Goodsoil09

Last week, I bumped into several other folks who were live blogging from the ELCA 2009 Churchwide Assembly and I also came across other Lutheran (and Lutheran friendly) bloggers from around the country.

You may check their blogs by clicking below:

Inside Nancy’s Noodle

Idle Ramblings of the Lutherpunk


Rev Dawn

Father Jake

Goodsoil Central

Friends of Jake


Sexuality and Religion


Dallas Morning News