Category Archives: Religious News

Bishop Hanson’s address to the Conference of Bishops #ELCA #LMCACORE #CWA09

Bishop Hanson The ELCA Conference of Bishops will wrap up its October meeting today.  Each of the 65 Synod bishops serves on the conference, which functions in an advisory capacity.  The biennial churchwide assembly serves as the ultimate legislative authority of the church; the recent assembly actions approving support and recognition of persons in “lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships” and allowing ordination of such persons has been the focal point of the meeting of the bishops and of the address delivered by Presiding Bishop, Mark Hanson.  “It’s a rocky time” in the ELCA, he said.

The most pressing issue is financial due to a combination of a down economy and the call from the opposition group, Lutheran Core, for a financial boycott of the ELCA.  One must ask what theological or moral justification exists for such a boycott, which smacks of childish spite. Hanson implicitly questioned the Core boycott when he pointed out that those who supported the recent assembly actions had long been the minority in the church, but they nevertheless continued as loyal benefactors of the church.

Hanson noted that members who wanted the policy change wondered for years where they stood in the ELCA.  They remained faithful, stayed engaged in the church and generously supported its mission. Some increased their giving, he said.

Hanson said the Core financial boycott:

would adversely affect many ministries, such as planting and renewing congregations, grants and mission personnel assignments to global partner churches, and grants to Lutheran partners, agencies and institutions. Reductions would also affect the ELCA’s capacity to be engaged in mission, he said.

Because of current economic conditions and uncertainty about mission-support funds, the churchwide organization is involved in contingency financial planning, as are many synods, Hanson said. For 2009 the churchwide organization will continue a partial hiring freeze and underspend its current budget allocation by 5 percent “if necessary,” he said.  Hanson also said churchwide leaders are developing “models for reducing expenses in the 2010 budget.” A revised spending plan for 2010 will be presented at next month’s meeting of the ELCA Church Council, the church’s board of directors, Hanson said.

One eyed fundamentalists #CWA09 #LMCACORE #ELCA

“If your eye causes you to stumble, tear it out.”  Mark 9:47

Years ago, I listened as Professor William Cahoy (now Dean) of St John’s School of Theology in Collegeville referred to this passage during his Christology class, suggesting that true Biblical literalists could be known by their eye patch.  Have you seen any?  Jesus fed 5,000, it is said.  Would you accept 4,999?  How far are you willing to contextualize the feeding narrative, yet accepting its authority?

If you are a pastor, are you preaching on the lectionary text from Mark this Sunday?  What will you say about these verses?

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

The ELCA rejected 2,000 years of Biblical teaching and interpretation.” So say the opponents of the recent ELCA action approving gay clergy and moving toward marriage equality.

In the nineteenth century, abolitionists battled against the institution of slavery, but their opponents in the church cited Scripture and argued against rejecting nearly 2,000 years of Biblical teaching and interpretation.  “Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh,” they said, quoting 1st Peter 2:18.

In the second half of the twentieth century, many churches, including the ELCA, began to accept women for ordination.  Opponents argued (some Lutheran denominations such as the Missouri Synod (LCMS) persist even today) that female ordination is contrary to 2,000 years of Biblical teaching and interpretation. “I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent,” said the opponents of female clergy, quoting 1st Timothy 2:12.

In many pulpits on Sunday, divorced and remarried clergy will speak to divorced and remarried persons in the pews.  Is this not contrary to 2,000 years of Biblical teaching and interpretation? 

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

This is not an anonymous speaker as in the case of the 1st Peter teaching.  This is not merely a Pauline disciple or even Paul himself as in the 1st Timothy teaching.  No, these are the words of Jesus, according to Mark, the same Jesus who said nothing about homosexuality but condemned as adulterers those who divorced and remarried.

Are any Lutheran Core or WordAlone pastors who will preach this Sunday divorced and remarried?  Adulterers persisting in their sin in the pulpit?  If so, how do they justify going against 2,000 years of Biblical teaching and interpretation? 

How can Lutheran Core or WordAlone permit such clergy within their ranks?  More to the point, how do they justify the ordination of divorced and remarried persons even while denying the same to LGBT persons? 

Perhaps we all contextualize, as indeed we should, and none of us are one eyed fundamentalists.

Lutherans are a’talkin’ #CWA09 #LMCACORE #ELCA

It has been six weeks since the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis.  Although there are scattered reports of individuals and congregations that have withdrawn from the ELCA, to this point Lutherans are mostly talking.  Congregations are holding forums.  Synod clergy are gathering for discussions.  Lutheran Core, the organized opposition to the new ELCA policies (to “recognize and support” persons in a “lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship” and to allow such persons be become ordained clergy), has held a national convocation and decided to continue talking for a year before acting.  The most precipitous action to this point is the financial boycott of the ELCA Churchwide.

Talking is good.  Talking about sexuality.  Talking about relationships.  Talking about what it means to be Lutheran.  Talking about Scripture and how we use and understand our holy books.

Here’s one example of a son (Pastor) talking to his mother.

When we talked earlier this week, I asked my mom what her church was doing in response to the Churchwide decisions.  I think highly of her pastors, so I wanted to be sure I’m keeping up.  She said they’ve sent out pastoral letters.  Each of them wrote their own letter.  But there weren’t any educational programming planned yet.  I explained what we were doing these next five weeks.  Then we got to talking more.  I explained what happened at Churchwide.  Some of it she knew and some of it she didn’t.  In fact, some of the old ministry policies were new to her.  Then we spoke personally.  She described and sort of marveled at the change that she has seen between my grandparents and my generation, how attitudes and understandings have changed just in the short span her lifetime.  She talked about how she tries to be open to people, and I listened.  I told her how I was personally glad for my colleagues who now no longer have to chose between a call to ministry and a lifelong relationship of unconditional love, which has been so vital for me as a person and a pastor.  We talked for a while, and we both learned from each other.  And that gives me great hope that we can do the same.  And yes, she’s my mom, and yes, I’m her son.  But, I will tell you, there isn’t anything more awkward for a guy than to talk about sex with your mom.  I said the word sex and sexuality more times in that conversation with my mother than I even had in my entire life.  I spent 35 years running from that conversation, and there I was asking her to have it.  There was actually a moment in the conversation – when I sort of looked down on us from above, each of us on our phones, thinking – this is really happening, and I don’t feel awkward, and did I just say sexuality, and this is a new place in our relationship.  And I am so grateful.

In the Kansas hinterlands, Cindy Kulp, a new entrant into the blogosphere, issues an invitation: “Calling all ELCA Lutherans…Educate Yourself.”

This is new ground for all of us in so many ways.  I will start by sharing my story in hopes that it may help you to share yours  & contribute to this gathering place. 
    I became a member of the ELCA church approximately 6 years ago.  We, like so many other 30 something couples, moved back to my husband’s family farm and rejoined the rural church he grew up in.  Since then, my husband and I have both served on call committees and on the church board.   I share that because we thought for the past 7 years we understood the church and aligned with its teachings.   Lutherans are all the same right!  We had never taken the time to really look into the ELCA and what it really believes until this past July.   Boy, were we in for a big surprise.
    Lutherans….educate yourselves and don’t go the easy route.  This is worth the journey.  Study, discover and pray.  What is God calling you to do?

Cindy’s journey may take her to a different place than my journey takes me or your journey takes you, but we don’t need to agree on all things to be fellow pilgrims.  Cindy encourages us to “study, discover and pray.”  And talk.  Talk is good.

Integrity USA President Susan Russell honored

Susan Russell The Reverend Susan Russell is one of my favorite bloggers at An Inch at a Time.  Susan is an Episcopal priest in California and a lesbian in a relationship.  Her term as President of Integrity USA, the Episocopal LGBT advocacy group, recently ended, and she was honored by the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles:

A past president of Integrity, Susan has appeared on countless panels and national broadcasts, advocating eloquently and tirelessly for the full inclusion of gay men and lesbians in the Church.

Here is a link to her salutatory address which summarizes the history of Intregrity’s advocacy efforts.

National Equality March

On October 10 and 11, Washington DC will witness thousands of LGBT persons and their allies marching “to demand equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states.”  The event is sponsored and organized by Equality Across America,  “a network of decentralized organizers in every one of the 435 Congressional districts.” reports that the march has been endorsed by the National Organization of Women (NOW), which states:

No woman will have full equality until all women have full equality, and we must seize every opportunity to ensure equal rights under the law for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Walking with Integrity, the blog of Integrity USA, the Episcopal LGBT advocacy group, announced that the The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force also endorses the march.

The popular blog of Pam Spaulding, Pam’s House Blend … always steamin’, contains a lengthy list of the full slate of activities.

On the other hand, Marc Ambinder reports in the Atlantic Monthly that the event is controversial—not with the religious right but–with others in the LGBT community:

But on Oct. 11, this conservative, measured progress will collide with the National Equality March, a hastily organized gathering of gay-rights supporters on the National Mall. The march, announced just 6 months ago by Harvey Milk protégé and AIDS quilt founder Cleve Jones — has garnered criticism in the gay blogosphere, slammed as a vanity project for Jones and a distraction from state-level gay marriage initiatives in Maine and Washington state. And D.C. advocates are asking why local organizers were not asked to the table so close to the city’s own marriage-rights battle.

Lutheran Core Convention Postscript #ELCA & #CWA09 & #LMCACORE

The Lutheran Core Convocation has come and gone.  Was it a big wind or a burst of hot air?  Apart from red meat speeches that rallied the troops, the actual substantive accomplishments were de minimis … the much ballyhooed question of schism in the ELCA was postponed for a year.

Oh, the Core leaders are grandiose enough, calling for a “reconfiguration of North American Lutheranism”.  Ahem.  They aspire to a free floating synod that includes ELCA members, congregations, even synods.  And LCMS folks too.  Do they expect the ELCA to share autonomy with them?  The LCMS? Or, are they merely going to be an organization like WordAlone has been for a decade, building membership lists and holding conventions and sending out newsletters but in reality a toothless lion?  For all its holier-than-thou bluster, how much real influence has WordAlone wielded in the ELCA since the network came into existence?

Some have left the ELCA with more to follow.  With each defection, the conservative influence within the ELCA diminishes proportionately. 

Or, does Core think that their hyperbolic rhetoric and name calling is the way to win friends and influence people?  Or childishly taking their football and going home by withholding financial support?

Speaking of the financial boycott, what is the moral or theological justification for that beyond pure power politics?  True enough, Core can inflict pain—financial, spiritual, and emotional—but can they heal?  Where is the churchmanship?

We all have our biases, and I certainly have mine.  Thus, my ears hear the call to uphold the Law as legalism; the call to uphold the scriptures as literalism; the call to “speak the truth in love” as judgmentalism; the call for reform as reactionary; the call to withhold funds as petulant.  More law and less gospel.  More judgment and less grace.  Exclusion not inclusion.  To my Core readers, I apologize, but this is what I hear in your shrill voices.  If this is not your reality, know that it is your appearance.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the ELCA #ELCA & #CWA09

Not all Lutheran eyes are focused on the Core Convocation in Indiana this weekend.

Stephen MarshFor instance, Pretty Good Lutherans blog reports:

A whole lot of Lutherans will gather today in a Baptist church with ample seating in Detroit. The Rev. Stephen Marsh of the ELCA will walk in a pastor and walk out a bishop. His 2 p.m. installation ceremony is being led by ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson. Marsh, 54, was elected in May to a six-year term as bishop of the Southeast Michigan ELCA Synod. He’ll become the first African American bishop of the synod, which maintains an office in Detroit.

Lutherans Concerned North America, an LGBT advocacy group, meets in Chicago, and they issued the following press release:

The leadership of Lutherans Concerned/North America (LC/NA) is meeting this weekend at a retreat house in Chicago to celebrate the recent actions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) supporting committed same-gender relationships and allowing for the rostered service of ministers in such relationships and to plan immediate and long term strategies and actions to ensure that the new policies of inclusion are enacted in principle and in practice.

Emily Eastwood, Executive Director of Lutherans Concerned said, “After 35 years of witness and reconciling outreach LC/NA gives thanks to God and to the voting members of the ELCA for this historic transformation in the life of our church.  It is as if the ELCA has finally come out about its LGBT members and ministers.  As with any coming out, some members of the ELCA family are reacting with celebration, others with fear or anger, and some with silence.  The church has voted for tolerance at the policy level and included congregational autonomy as the failsafe for those members of the family who need distance and time.  As within our families, reconciliation requires intentionality, faithful witness, and relentless love in the face of difficult and painful circumstances. We rely on the witness of Jesus Himself as our guide.  Building relationships across theological, ideological and affinity group lines is needed to sustain the church and the family.  LC/NA is ready and willing to d
o our part.

“The ELCA having spoken in favor of full inclusion, our task for education and outreach is all the more important. We are working to increase the resources and assistance we can offer to congregations who want to expand their understanding of LGBT Lutherans as part of the church.  Working at the intersection of oppressions, our intent is to aid the church’s spread of the Gospel and provision of care and services for those less fortunate than ourselves.  Our prayers are lifted for everyone, celebrating or in distress, in this transforming and challenging time.

“The way forward for a fully inclusive ELCA is clear.  The mission of the church has not changed.  What has changed is that now the work of all faithful Lutherans towards the goals of the church can be recognized and honored.  We may disagree on some points, but Lutherans are one about the message of Christ to be in service to others – it’s our hands doing God’s work.  At last, it can truly be all our hands.”

Lutherans Concerned has advocated for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the life of the Lutheran church since 1974, and was part of the Goodsoil coalition that advocated at the churchwide assembly in August for the changes that were enacted.

The ELCA, in consultation with its Conference of Bishops, is developing the changes that need to be put in place to carry out the decision of the churchwide assembly.  Those changes are expected to go before the ELCA Church Council for consideration and approval when it meets in November 2009.  The Lutherans Concerned Board of Directors and Regional Coordinators will continue their meeting through the weekend.

While those at the Core Convocation debate leaving the ELCA, others are joining or returning.  In San Francisco, the two congregations that were expelled from the ELCA in the ‘90s because they called gay clergy in committed relationships are now considering whether to return.

    Robert W. Byrne, a council member at St. Francis, said he joined that congregation because of its “historic principled stand within the institutional church (against the church’s) discrimination against clergy and seminarians in committed same-sex relationships. I truly believe that being Lutheran calls each of us to be reformers, whenever and wherever we see injustice — as (Martin) Luther himself did.”
     “I have always hoped for and voiced my support for eventual reunion with the ELCA,” Byrne said. “Others in this congregation hold different beliefs at present, and value the traditions and practices we were forced to create for ourselves over the past 20 years,” he said.
     Goldstein said the council at St. Francis planned a series of “cottage meetings” through September to hear from congregation members and build some consensus in advance of an Oct. 4 visit from the Rev. Nancy M. Feniuk Nelson, bishop’s associate, ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod, Oakland.

In response to natural disasters in Africa and South America, the ELCA Disaster Response, under the coordination of the ELCA global mission, provided funds in flood ravaged communities.  It is missions such as these that will be harmed by the Core call to withhold funds from the ELCA.

The Lutheran Youth Organization of an ELCA synod recently sent a letter to the ELCA home offices regarding the passage of the sexuality statement and gay ordination and gay marriage proposals at the recent ELCA convention.

“We also have a variety of opinions, and we often disagree,” wrote the synod LYO board.      “However, we stand united as an LYO board behind a slightly different message,” said the youth. “We strive daily to live out a faith of love, tolerance and understanding, even in the most trying of times, and especially when we disagree,” they said.  “We believe most ardently in the gospel message of God’s loving grace and forgiveness, given freely for us all through Christ’s sacrifice. Please join us as we aspire to live love,” said the synod LYO board. “We understand that people have different opinions, and we as a board were very split in our opinions,” said Sarah Embley, synod LYO president, Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Joy, Pa. “We think it is more important to look past our differences and keep the unity of the church and keep God in main view.”

Sometimes the grownups should listen to the kids.

Lutheran Core Convocation: 1st night report #ELCA & #CWA09

Late yesterday, the Core Convocation convened at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Fishers, Indiana with an estimated 1200 persons in attendance.  Substantive matters were not addressed except for the speeches offered by Core leadership.  “Should we stay or should we go?” was the question that hung in the air, but the answer will not likely be determined this weekend but only after a year long process of deliberation and organization.

The speeches soared with the conviction of the self-assured, often harsh and critical of the ELCA with sarcastic jibes sparking their comments.  For instance, one speaker scoffed at the ELCA 2009 assembly approval of a $75 million Malaria initiative, calling instead for a church, “where the appreciation for overcoming malaria does not replace the passion for preaching the gospel and administering the sacrament. We must stand for both Law and Gospel, not Gospel alone. Battling AIDS, hunger, poverty does not replace Word & Sacrament.”  Another labeled the ELCA’s call for unity and Scripture study hypocritical, as if only Core’s interpretation of scripture was valid.  The call for “Churchmanship” from former ELCA presiding Bishop Herb Chilstrom was mocked.  Still another, in a thinly veiled comment, contrasted the holy remnant of Core to their opponents “we are here to represent those who have not bent the knee to Baal.”

Maybe just a little self-righteous.

The criticism of the ELCA was not restricted to the recent actions approving gay clergy and moving toward marriage equality, but went all the way back to the original merger, mirroring the view of dissenting theologian James Nestingen, the subject of earlier blog posts here and here.  In particular, the ELCA policy of giving strong voice and vote to the laity, at the expense of clergy power, was criticized.

Last night speeches.  Today?

(Note: since I was not present, the above information is derived from various “tweets” and especially the comments on ALPB forum.)

Lutheran Core Convocation commences #ELCA #CWA09

Lutheran eyes are on Indianapolis this weekend and the Convocation of Lutheran Core, the organized opposition to the recent ELCA convention action approving gay clergy and moving toward marriage equality.  Will Core breakaway or choose to remain within the ELCA as the loyal opposition?  Perhaps we’ll know more on Monday.

In August, the ELCA national convention in Minneapolis approved the ordination of persons in lifelong, monogamous, same gender relationships and also opened the door for congregations to support and recognize such relationships (gay marriage?).  Lutheran Core maintained a hospitality room at the convention and served as the organized opposition to the various LGBT ballot measures.  Defeated at the Churchwide assembly, Core has called for a Convocation this weekend to consider their options.

While serving as host for the 2009 convention, Minnesota is also home to 800,000 Lutherans, about 1/6th of ELCA Lutherans nationwide, according to an article appearing today in Minnesota’s leading newspaper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune.  The article quotes several Minnesotans who will be among the 1200 or so who will gather at the Core convocation, and they express a wait and see attitude.

There are mixed signals coming from the Lutheran Core camp.  On the one hand, they have counseled patience and encouraged persons to stay in the ELCA—for the time being.  Lutheran pastor Dave Glesne of Redeemer Lutheran in Fridley is quoted in the STRIB article: “I wouldn’t expect any major decisions for at least a year”, he said.  According to the article, Glesne “thinks that the short duration [of the Core Convocation agenda] is an advantage because it’s enough time to discuss an action plan but not enough time to implement one.” On the other hand, the harsh rhetoric that sounds from the Core camp raises questions how Core could remain within the ELCA as the loyal opposition while shouting (from their website):

The ELCA is the one that has departed from the teaching of the Bible

We just voted out the Word of God, sound reason, and the good orders of creation

We can no longer in good conscience participate in this relationship with the offices in

It is going to be very hard for faithful Lutherans to support the ELCA when the ELCA is willing to reject the clear teaching of Scripture

and their unofficial spokespersons, retired theologians Carl Braaten and James Nestingen, pen articles accusing the ELCA:

[of] “heresies and heterodoxies now rampant and tolerated in the institutions of the ELCA” [Braaten]

“the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America effectively declared that it is no longer a church”  [Nestingen] 


And then there is the matter of money.  A cynical view suggests that the ELCA pastors who flirt with Core yet remain in the ELCA are unwilling to sacrifice their ELCA pension and benefits unless and until Core is a viable financial alternative.  In a controversial move criticized by many, CORE has urged a financial boycott of ELCA ministries, and mission congregations ask CORE to consider who and what is really hurt by such actions.  ELCA presiding Bishop Mark Hanson has posted a web video in which he says,

I am deeply concerned when ELCA members and congregations are being encouraged to signal disagreement [with convention actions] by withholding financial support because the unintended consequence is to diminish our capacity for mission.

Blogger Susan Hogan asks:

Is the bishop being smart by going public about the money situation just before the Lutheran CORE meeting? Or is he playing into the dissenters hand, giving them more weight and power than they deserve or have?

Finally, on the eve of the Lutheran Core Convocation, former presiding Bishop Herb Chilstrom invites “churchmanship”.

In response to CORE’s intent to seek other avenues for how it may relate to the ELCA, Chilstrom said the consequences of such action “would be corporate, personal and immediate. We would see the mission of the ELCA in this country and around the globe hobbled and maimed.”

For years many Lutherans had hoped for the kinds of change that came at the assembly, Chilstrom wrote. “During all that time we never tried to organize another church body or some kind of independent entity within the ELCA,” he said. “We never withdrew or reduced our support for the mission of the church. We never changed our wills or estate plans to cripple the seminaries, global missions, or other ministries of the church.”

He ended his statement by asking, “Can we think of a better resolution than the one we reached at our recent assembly, one that allows us to live with diversity in matters that are not central to the proclamation of law and gospel? This is the time to think and think and pray and pray again — as the church did at its assembly — before taking action.”

Will Lutheran Core and its supporters rise to the call for churchmanship?

Dissident ELCA theologian Nestingen update: #CWA09 & #ELCA

Erik Samuelson Yesterday’s post was about professor emeritus James Nestingen’s negativity regarding the ELCA, past and present.  This morning, a blog post from Pastor Erik Samuelson offers another view of Nestingen. 

Pastor Erik is of Norwegian ancestry, and his roots are in the old American Lutheran Church (ALC), which was one of the major partners in the ELCA merger twenty some years ago.  Professor Nestingen has the same background, and Pastor Erik suggests that Nestingen still resents the merger and the diminished influence of conservative, Norwegian Lutherans in the merged church.

Dr. Nestingen gets to the heart of it: The #ELCA was a bad idea all along. Three cheers for the Old ALC! Hmm…

What I found as I analyzed the way he uses the documents [Lutheran Confessions] is that he often intersperses American political philosophy and highly preferences one particular historical branch of Lutheranism which my family shares with him. It’s a straight line from the German Reformation to it’s adoption in Norway (subscribing to the Augsburg Confession and Catechisms) to the United States via the Norwegian Synod (and some Haugean pietists thrown in from time to time) that kept Norwegian [language] in worship long into the 20th Century, who formed the core of the ALC and had their stronghold in Luther Seminary (and St. Olaf and PLU). Nestingen again and again seems to refer to this as the “true Lutheran” heritage. This works great for Norwegian American Lutherans (who held a great deal of power in the ALC and less since the merger in 1988), but I just don’t see how he can claim this as the predominant form of Lutheranism, or the mainstream of Christianity.

Pastor Erik’s blog also offers a detailed rebuttal to Nestingen’s assertion that the ELCA violates the letter of the Confessions.  Check out his post if interested in the esoteric minutiae of Lutheran orthodoxy.