Category Archives: Religious News

Call to Action Convention: Day Three Agenda

Call to Action (CTA) is a well established organization of progressive Catholics that seeks to uphold and further the liberalizing spirit of Vatican II.  Their slogan is “Catholics Working Together for Justice and Equality.”  The organization holds annual conventions in Milwaukee, and the upcoming gathering begins on November 6, 2009.  Here is the link to the Day One Agenda, and here is the link to the Day Two Agenda.  Sunday, November 8th marks the conclusion of the three day event, and here is the Day Three Agenda.

Plenary Session in Ballroom: 8:45 AM

2009 Call To Action Leadership Award: SNAP Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

The board of Call To Action is honored to recognize Barbara Blaine, David Clohessy and SNAP with the 2009 Call To Action Leadership Award for giving voice to the survivors of clergy sexual abuse. SNAP’s work to demand accountability in church structures and among church personnel has helped nurture a culture where Catholics are better able to question Church leaders about the closed, patriarchal structures that put children at risk. SNAP has also opened a dialogue among parishioners to help them understand their own role in Blaine / Clohessyperpetuating destructive church structures. Beyond their work as public advocates for accountability, Barbara and David share a generosity of spirit that allows them to gently minister to survivors of abuse. Their determined pursuit of justice for survivors, their families, and the entire Church, has been a powerful model for every Catholic.

Barbara Blaine is founder and president of SNAP. Since 1988, Blaine has reached out to help survivors and expose wrongdoers. Previously, Blaine worked in Jamaica with the Sisters of Mercy, was co-chair of Call To Action’s Catholics for Peace, worked with homeless families at a Catholic Worker house, and then represented abused and neglected children in juvenile court. Blaine holds graduate degrees in Law and Social Work as well as a Masters of Divinity. David Clohessy has been national director of SNAP since 1991, setting up dozens of support groups and doing thousands of interviews (including Oprah, Sixty Minutes, the Phil Donahue Show, Good Morning America). He’s been a community organizer in poor neighborhoods, and done political and public relations consulting. He’s married and has two sons.

Keynote – DR. Clarissa Pinkola Estés “The Thunderous Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Gentle Ones: Did You Think Creator was Kidding?”

The Old Believers are a wild lot, wild as in natural, following cycles of sowing and harvest down by the river, even in the strongest cross-winds of our times. When did we last protect and sow the wild seeds of the Holy Ghost? And when did we last carry in the harvest by boldly ‘living out loud’ the legacy we were granted at Christening and at Confirmation? Did we think Creator was not serious when we were given the profound gifts of the Holy Spirit then? Have we forgotten? Or been misled? Or become too shy? Or told that’s only for saints? We all were given the charisms of hands-on healing, given an unquenchable taste for Espirito Santo, welded so that we might stand bravely right in the center of the flame of the Inspiratus, blowing past the rote, and instead, speaking in ways that cleanse and re-root the weary mind back into the ever-glowing rhizome — the Igneus Christi. For us, the Holy Ghost is friendly, but never tame.

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, activist poet, psychoanalyst, cantadora (keeper of the old Pinkola Estesstories), Dr. Estés has practiced clinically as a post-trauma specialist since 1970. She served teachers and children after the massacre at Columbine High School and survivor families of the 9/11 tragedy. She is an Associate with the Sisters of Charity, Leavenworth, Kansas. Her teaching “spirit in healing” to young doctors at a Catholic hospital coincides with her board appointment at Maya Angelou Minority Health Foundation, Wake Forest University Medical School. A former welfare mother, she testifies before state and federal legislatures on issues of mercy. Of Mestizo-Mexican heritage, adopted by immigrant Hungarians as an older child, Dr. Estés is a visiting diversity lecturer at universities and a Founder of La Sociedad de Guadalupe for adult literacy. As a grandmother from the Rocky Mountains and a disciple of nature, Dr. Estés holds that the largest endangered species on earth is the human soul.

Closing Liturgy: 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM

ELCA Ministry Policy Changes pending; #ELCA, #CWA09, #LMCACORE

I blogged earlier about the ELCA Conference of Bishops that met early in October.  Each of the sixty-five regional synods is headed by a bishop.  These bishops form the Conference of Bishops, and they are advisory to the Church Council, which in turn serves as the Churchwide governing body between the biennial Churchwide assemblies where the voting members hold ultimate authority over ELCA policy. 

The early October Conference considered revisions to Ministry Policies in response to the actions of the Churchwide Assembly in August.  That is, the 2009 Convention actions were in the nature of broad policy statements with implementation of the policy to be left to the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council.  The Conference considered changes but deferred final action.  Some, including Lutheran Core, called for the draft documents to be made public in the meantime, and the ELCA concurred.  The documents are now available online.

The key portion of the existing policy reads:

Ordained ministers who are homosexual in their self-understanding are expected to abstain from homosexual sexual relationships.

Contrast that with the draft language:

Ordained ministers, whether single, married or in a publicly accountable, lifelong
monogamous, same-gender relationship, are expected to uphold an understanding of
marriage and family in their public ministry as well as in private life that is biblically
informed and consistent with the teachings of this church.

Should an ordained minister decide to marry or to enter a publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship, the counsel and guidance of the synodical bishop is to be sought and the minister shall make the decision known among those he or she serves.

Ordained ministers in a publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationship are expected to keep that relationship inviolate until death, to cultivate love and respect for their same-gender partner, and to seek counseling with their partner when it is needed. It is recognized that due to human sin and brokenness, in some cases such a relationship may have to be dissolved. Should an ordained minister and partner seek to end their relationship, the counsel and guidance of the synodical bishop is to be sought. Similarly, should the ordained minister, following the ending of the relationship, decide to enter another such relationship, the counsel and guidance of the synodical bishop is to be sought.

An ordained minister who is in a publicly accountable lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationship recognized and supported by an expression of this church is expected to live in fidelity to his or her partner, giving expression to sexual intimacy within a publicly accountable relationship that is mutual, chaste, and faithful.


A footnote elaborates and defines key terms:

The terms in the phrase “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender
relationship” are intended to have their common meanings. “Lifelong” means that the
relationship is intended to last as long as both parties to the relationship shall live.
“Monogamous” means that the relationship is between two people—one to one. “Same-gender” means that the relationship is between two men or two women. “Public accountability” means that the two parties to the relationship openly acknowledge the relationship, have a demonstrable commitment to the relationship, and have a willingness to seek and accept the aid of individuals and community in sustaining the relationship. For an ordained minister, both church and community are part of the public to which he or she is accountable. Public accountability for an ordained minister in a heterosexual marriage includes recognition and support in a congregation of this church and legally recorded civil recognition. Similarly, public accountability for an ordained minister in a lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship includes recognition and support in a congregation of this church and may include a legally recorded civil recognition and other evidence that the relationship is lifelong and monogamous. The ELCA social statement “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust” recognizes that within this church diverse convictions about homosexuality and about the rostered service of people in same-gender relationships are faithfully held on the basis of Scripture. The ELCA intends both to allow the rostered service of people who are in a publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship and to provide for those whose convictions do not favor such service.

Remember, these changes are not yet in effect, and the draft documents may be changed before final approval, which is not expected for several months.


Call to Action Convention: Day Two Agenda

The progressive Catholic group named Call to Action (CTA) will hold its 2009 Convention in Milwaukee beginning Friday, November 6.  Last week, I offered a blog post with the agenda for Day one.  Today, I highlight the agenda for Saturday the 7th of November, Day two.  If you are a liberal Catholic, this is the place to be.

Prayer Sessions: 7:45 AM – 8:30 AM

Debra Nell Brittenum Racism to Reconciliation: Praying the Peaceable Kindom to Now and Here

Debra Nell Brittenum of Memphis, TN, guides morning prayer rooted in the principles of Servant BrittenumLeadership. It includes silence, Scripture, memory and our own reflections. Brittenum and 40 Memphians of many faith traditions and racial/ethnic backgrounds have done a three-year study of racism in the context of the South and the Black Liberation Struggle that began there. For 20 years Debra practiced public interest law. She belongs to the Call To Action/USA board and the mission group of the School of Servant Leadership in Memphis. Her Biblical model for reconciliation is grounded in prayer, memory, study, community, social justice action and servant leadership principles. She facilitates retreats and preaches. She was Call To Action Conference homilist in 2005.

Carolyn Gantner Yoga for an Open Heart & Mind

Carolyn Gantner invites us to experience the transformative possibilities of yoga to more fully open our hearts and minds. This year’s CTA Conference calls upon us Gantnerto deeply explore the transformations needed in order to understand and embrace our differences. Yoga helps us do that. Through gentle poses in union with breath work, we create more space within ourselves to be more open to the world. No yoga experience is necessary, just an open heart. We may participate sitting in a chair or on the floor. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Carolyn is a certified Kripalu yoga instructor and teaches in Madison, WI. She is also involved with teaching mindfulness and meditation in the prisons through a local Engaged Buddhism social justice initiative. And since 1994 Carolyn has been involved with solidarity projects in El Salvador where she has had the privilege of spending time in Madison’s sister city of Arcatao.

Johanna Hatch Women Mystics for Today

While we are separated by centuries and circumstance from medieval women mystics, the Hatchevents of their lives echo the struggles of women today. Angela of Foligno was a wife & mother, Margaret of Cortura struggled with anorexia, & Catherine of Geneva with depression. Yet all had ecstatic experiences of God’s love. Johanna Hatch is a graduate of the College of Saint Benedict and has studied spirituality at the graduate level at the Washington Theological Union. Her interests include women’s spirituality and hagiography. Johanna is active in Call to Action’s NextGen community and her local Faith Sharing Communion in Madison, WI.

Meshar / WojtanRoxanne Meshar and Katharine Wojtan Praying in Solidarity with Women in the Americas


Take this time to hear and reflect on the culture and circumstances of our sisters across the Americas. Hear readings related to their lives; reflect as a group on the values, culture and circumstances of women. Dialogue about the meaning it holds in our lives. What is our reaction? What is our action? Roxanne is an Adjunct Theology Professor at University of St. Thomas in St. Paul Minnesota, and board chair for Mary’s Pence, a nonprofit working with women of the Americas on economic sustainability and increasing their voice in their worlds. Join her and Katherine Wojtan, Executive Director of Mary’s Pence.



Ramerman / CallanSpiritus Christi Liturgy

Spiritus Christi Church members, including Rev. Mary Ramerman and Fr. Jim Callan, host a Eucharistic liturgy. Spiritus Christi Church, in Rochester, New York is an inclusive Catholic Parish known for its outreach to the poor, prison ministry, a mental health center, a recovery house and projects in Haiti and Chiapas, Mexico. The parish has taken a stand on ordaining women, gay unions, and welcoming everyone to the Eucharist. Rev. Mary Ramerman, a Catholic priest ordained in 2001, is the pastor of Spiritus Christi Church. Before priesthood, Ramerman spent 25 years in ministry and was called to the priesthood by her community. Rev. Jim Callan is the associate pastor of Spiritus Christi Church and has been a priest for 30 years. He has been a constant advocate for the poor. In 1998, Callan was suspended for including women in the liturgy, celebrating gay and lesbian unions, and welcoming everyone to communion. He is a well-known social justice speaker and the author of four books.

Lena Woltering Living Our Dream Without Forfeiting Our Catholic Identity

The Lay Synod Movement is designed to create an experience of Church where we live out and share our moral convictions for the betterment of humankind. WolteringIdeally, religion is supposed to provide a nurturing environment for that work to be done, but sometimes it becomes an oppressive stumbling block. When Jesus saw that Judaism was no longer an environment that nurtured love, he felt obliged to reform it by reforming its members. Folks who have become involved in local lay synods are recognizing their responsibility to re-vision their roles as Catholics. They are people who have been grounded in Catholic Social teachings and gospel values and recognize that Catholicism is far more than a membership in an organization; it is an identity that no one (not even the Pope) can revoke or strip away. Lena Woltering has been active in Church Reform and Social Justice work for many years. She served on the National Board of CTA for 11 years and was Coordinator of Fellowship of Southern Illinois Laity (FOSIL) from 1993-2003. Lena served on the State Board of the Illinois Death Penalty Moratorium Project, has worked in prison ministry and served on the board of Seeds of Hope – a ministry advocating for people with disabilities. She currently does local chapter organizing for CTA and travels the country helping folks organize local lay synods.

Morning Workshops: 9 AM – 10:30 AM

Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez The life of a Muslim in America: A Bittersweet Narrative

The presentation will cover information about Muslims in America, history, culture, tradition, political pains and advancements and contribution to American Abdul-Azeezsociety. Contrary to common belief, Muslims have been in America since the inception of the union and have had a tremendous impact on American culture. The presentation will cover issues such as Islamic practices in America, post 9-11 American Muslim community and the role of American Muslims in a global world. Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez is the religious leader of the SALAM Islamic Center in Sacramento CA. He was educated in Medicine, political science, sociology, Islamic history and Islamic theology and holds an MD from Ain Shams University, a BA from Ohio State University, and an MA from University of Chicago. Imam Azeez has been involved in Islamic activism and education for the past 10 years and is a passionate advocate of interfaith work. He dedicates much of his time educating the community about the true peaceful essence of the religion of Islam. In his capacity as the Imam of SALAM, he is a member of the Sacramento Interfaith Service Bureau, and participates in most inter-religious dialogue in the area.

Stephen Boehrer The Purple Culture And Completing a Revolution

Traces the historical development of the Episcopal culture as it exists today. Reveals the components of that culture and “why” the culture explains BoehrerEpiscopal behavior . . . not only in the clerical abuse scandal, but in the suppression of lay wisdom in the entire moral arena. Understanding this culture provides both the key to reform and the way to achieve it. Stephen Boehrer, STD, is a married priest, former college instructor, chancellor, businessman and author of four novels. His novel, “The Purple Culture,” is acclaimed by such recognized experts as Thomas Doyle, Richard Sipe, and Jason Berry for its skilled analysis of the “why” of the sexual abuse crisis and other episcopal behaviors.

Rachel Bundang Feminist Visionary Ethics for the Rest of Us

BundangRachel Bundang discusses what makes a good person and society, what we imagine for a new world and church, and how we get there. Bundang writes on feminist ethics and theology, Catholic moral theology, and Asian Pacific American religion and teaches at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. She also consults on race and religion, religious pluralism, and liturgy.



 Diana Hayes God’s Welcome Table: Coming Together As One Family

The Eucharist, once symbol of unity, has become a sign of God’s fractured Body today, a weapon to divide not unite. This presentation discusses our need to Hayescome together as family, offering the mass freely and frequently and with renewed meaning to all whom are Catholic. This means continuing to overcome the many “isms” that persist in our Church and communities, reaffirming our true and historical diversity. Diana L. Hayes is Professor of Systematic Theology at Georgetown University. She holds the Juris Doctor (Law), PhD (Religious Studies) and Doctor of Sacred Theology (STD) degrees and is the first African American woman to earn a Pontifical Doctorate in Theology. Hayes is the author/editor of 6 books, most recently Many Faces of the Church (with P. Phan) and over 70 articles and book chapters. She has received numerous awards including three honorary doctorates.


Orville H. Huntington Understanding Climate Change and Tribal Perspectives

In this presentation we will discuss four interrelated issues: the context and knowledge within stories—what academics call Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Huntingtonthe differences between tribes who share their knowledge; the difference between traditional knowledge and prophesy, and the kinds of products from research that are useful to tribes and academics; and lastly, we will examine how all of these issues present intellectual challenges of being a Native American and an academic. Orville Huntington was born in Huslia, Alaska and received a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from University of Alaska, Fairbanks. His primary work continues to be the preservation of Native American subsistence hunting, fishing, gathering and trapping rights, and subsistence opportunities, and the significant cultural events that surround those traditional beliefs. Mr. Huntington is committed to protecting the aboriginal rights of Native people to continue to live a subsistence way of life and preserve the cultural beliefs associated with that way of life. Mr. Huntington has participated on many professional panels and testified at several State House and Senate Hearings. He currently sits as Chair of the Interior Athabascan Tribal College Board of Trustees and on the Alaska Native Science Commission Board of Commissioners, and was selected for the Alaska Governors’ Subcabinet on Climate Change Working Groups.


Robert McClory A Theologian For THIS Season

Thirty years ago the Dominican Edward Schillebeeckx used history and theology to create a firm Vatican II foundation regarding eucharist, priesthood, McClorychurch and hierarchy that was so far advanced the Vatican blanched. Now his ideas don’t seem so radical. and many are blooming in the church. After time in Holland and a visit with Schillebeeckx, McClory wants to share the wisdom of this far-seeing giant. Robert McClory, a former board member of Call To Action, is a longtime writer for the National Catholic Reporter and author of four books dealing with Catholic history: “Turning Point, “Power and the Papacy,” “Faithful Dissenters” and “As It Was in the Beginning: The Coming Democratization of the Catholic Church.” He is a professor emeritus at the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University.


Pace e Bene Team Everyone at the Table: Creating the Vision

Butigan / Preston-PileThrough a dynamic, interactive process, this workshop will offer an opportunity for participants to visualize and clarify their hopes for a JustChurch. Part two of a four-part series. For Pace e Bene, nonviolence is more than a principle for effective protest – it is a way of life. For two decades Pace e Bene’s unique approach has been transforming lives and reaching people around the globe. Since its founding in 1989, over 25,000 people have taken 600 Pace e Bene workshops to gain tools for more healthy relationships and to create a new society. Pace e Bene has offices and associates in Oakland, Chicago, Las Vegas, New England, Washington, DC (Metro Area), Montreal, Australia, and Nigeria, and a growing number of partners and trainers in the US and around the world. Together they work with individuals, organizations, and movements to strengthen their efforts to end war, protect human rights, challenge injustice, and to meet today’s profound spiritual task: to build a more just and peaceful world.




Miriam Therese Winter Turning the Tables: Welcome to Quantum Reality

As our world becomes more and more chaotic and unpredictable, the quantum spirit of the Winterliving God invites us into a new and ever evolving understanding of continuity and community, revealing to us that we too have to change with the changing times. A quantum reality is already defining our lives. Miriam Therese Winter, a Medical Mission Sister, is professor of liturgy, worship, spirituality, and feminist studies at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut. She has produced 16 recordings of original songs and hymns and has published a number of books on biblical women, ritual, and spirituality, most recently, Paradoxology: Spirituality in a Quantum Universe (2009).

Keynote – Dianne Bergant: 11 AM – 12 PM
The Outsider Becomes an Insider: The New Center is on the Margin

Dianne Bergant, CSA is Professor of Biblical Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She was President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and Berganthas been an active member of the Chicago Catholic/Jewish Scholars Dialogue for the past twenty years. She is the Old Testament book reviewer of The Bible Today, having been a member of the editorial board for 25 years. She is now on the editorial board of Biblical Theology Bulletin, and Chicago Studies. She wrote the weekly column The Word for America magazine from 2002–2005. She is currently working in the areas of biblical interpretation and biblical theology, particularly issues of peace, ecology and feminism. There is a fundamental tension between the Bible’s ethnocentricity and its call for inclusivity. What does the Bible say about people on the margins? How might its religious message help us to address various forms of marginality? These are the kinds of questions Bergant will address in this plenary.

Lunch, Caucuses, Networking, Exhibits: 12 PM – 2 PM

Focus Sessions: 2 PM – 3 PM

Childs-Graham & ValeriKate Childs-Graham & Marissa Valeri Vatican’s Ban on Contraception: What Happened Then and How It Affects Us Now

Kate Childs Graham and Marissa Valeri explore the Vatican’s 40 year ban on contraception and the devastation it has left in its wake in this interactive workshop. In 1968, Humanae Vitae slammed the door on modern contraceptives and sexual health. Now, with the pope’s recent criticism of condom use as a means to prevent HIV/AIDS, the situation has grown dire. Marissa, Senior Associate for Domestic Programs at Catholics for Choice (CFC), coordinates CFC’s Condoms4Life campaign which encourages all people of faith to use condoms. Kate, Communications Associate, works on CFC’s publications, which includes the recent report on the Vatican ban on contraception, Truth & Consequence. Kate is also a member of CTA’s NextGeneration Leadership Team.




Tom Draney The House Church Meal / Liturgy: An Emmaus Experience

House Church – an exploration of the growing movement of Christians gathering in homes regularly for a lay-led liturgy based on the sharing of a Draneymeal modeled on the Last Supper. How this enhances the spirituality of individuals and of the parish community, plus minimizes the mentality of clericalism. Also, the reality of the priesthood of the faithful, and how Christ is present in this liturgy. Brother Thomas Draney, CFC is an “Irish Christian Brother,” he has been a teacher, administrator, co-founder and lobbyist for Catholic School Administrators in NY, regional rep for the Catholic League, founder and director of Christ House, a residence for political asylum cases in the South Bronx.. Most recently business manager for Los Hermanos in Fl., he now in retirement promotes house church and religious education in Naples.

FaithSharing Communities Young Adults: Living the Gospel

Do you want to meet other progressive young adult Catholics in your community? Want to deepen your faith and take action on church justice issues? Catholics in their 20s and 30s are invited to attend this workshop on how to begin and facilitate local FaithSharing Communions (FSC). FSCs are a collaborative program co-sponsored by Call To Action, FutureChurch and the Women’s Ordination Conference.

Fredal / BrownMarian Fredal & Myra Brown Exploring Racism Inside and Out

As Catholics, we know that we are all made in God’s image. Yet, racism affects us profoundly, no matter who we are. The presenters will examine how racism impacts us physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. They will offer possible next steps in the quest for racial justice. Marian Fredal has been active as a White anti-racist activist for 15 years. She has led support groups and taught classes for white people working to eliminate racism. She recently completed a PhD on the work to end racism in the Catholic Church, and is on the CTA Anti-Racism Team. Myra is a Parish Minister of Spiritus Christi Church in Rochester N.Y. For 17 years she has been leading work for racial justice within and outside the church. She founded SPARC, a Spiritus Christi group working for racial justice via advocacy, activism and training, and is on CTA’s Anti Racism Team.




J. Patrick Mahon The Nonviolence of Thomas Merton

Merton sought God and found solitude at Gethsemani Abbey. On a street corner in Louisville, Merton realized that he was not separate. He was one with Mahonall people. Embracing contemplative nonviolence, Merton became the conscience of the peace movement. His stances against war, racism, and nuclear weapons inform Christian witness today. J. Patrick Mahon, STB, PhD, served as a high school principal for 23 years before retiring. Now retired, he and his wife, Joan, are working for peace and justice. They have visited Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Israel /Palestine in recent years. Thomas Merton is Pat’s Anam Cara on contemplative nonviolence.

Fredrikka Joy Maxwell Triple Whammy: Surviving Being Black,Trans & Catholic 

Have you ever met a trans Catholic? Most people haven’t and those who have Maxwellmay not always know it. Curious? Then come listen to a woman of trans experience share the agony and the ecstasy and the journey of faith in surviving the triple whammy of being black, transgender, and Catholic. A lifelong Catholic, Ms. Maxwell attended her first CTA at Chicago in 2001. She has presented seminars from a black trans perspective in diverse venues as Atlanta’s Soouthern Comfort Conference, DignityUSA’s convention at Austin, Philadelphia’s IFGE and the United Methodist RMN Convo. A graduate of the University of Tennessee, she lives in Nashville.

Richard Renshaw Recent Trends in Liberation Theology

Biblical interpretations have shaped Western attitudes toward Nature and the Earth. That thinking has played an important role in the contemporary Renshawdevastation of the planet. Liberation theologians in Latin American have begun addressing these issues, as well as taking up the question of inter-religious dialogue with indigenous and Afro-American traditions. Richard Renshaw spent 11 years in Peru; published Dealing with Diversity (2009); translated Along the Many Paths of God (2008); served at the Canadian Religious Conference and at Development and Peace (the Canadian international development agency). He is a member of the Holy Cross International Justice and Peace Office.

Sharon Shepela Raising Compassionate Children in the 21st Century

It is possible to raise compassionate and courageous children in a world filled with violence Shepelaand selfishness. Learn how to help children develop empathic reactions, internalize parental and community standards of right and wrong, and acquire habits of courage, skill, and experience in this interactive workshop filled with hope and takeaway materials. Sharon Toffey Shepela, PhD is a social psychologist, an award-winning teacher who leads retreats and workshops described by CTA attendees as “Extraordinary!” “Animated, practical presentation…”She is coauthor of Courageous Resistance: The Power of Ordinary People which NCR called “a slim, potent book.” See her website

Helen Thompson Let Your Spirituality Evolve

Helen Thompson maps the evolution of our worldviews. This mega-lens shapes one’s spirituality. As our consciousness shifts in this time of radical change, so Thompsonmust our images of the world, ourselves, God, Jesus, the Spirit and the church. Conventional thinking which believes the universe is static and dualistic universe is no longer convincing. An evolving interconnected universe requires us to transform old religious imagery and beliefs urging us to contribute creatively to the Great Work – the evolution of the Cosmos and of the Cosmic Christ. Helen Thompson, BVM, PhD combines insights from her graduate work at the University of Chicago and the GTU in Berkeley with her 18 years teaching at the Berkeley School of Applied Theology to explore how human consciousness creates worldviews and how they shift in an individual life story and in human history in The West. A native of San Francisco, she currently lives in Berkeley, CA.

Dinner: 5 PM – 7 PM
Advance reservations required, available when registering.

Evening Sessions: 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM

All Saints Gospel Choir The Milwaukee Choir Joins Us Again

All Saints ChoirAll Saints Catholic Church Gospel Choir is a multi-age, multicultural, and multitalented group of Christians who love to praise Jesus in song. We are rooted in prayer, worship, and love. We believe that when praises go up, the blessings come down.



Film: As We Forgive Discussion led by Rose Elizondo

Could you forgive a person who murdered your family? This is the question faced by the subjects of As We Forgive, a documentary about Rosaria and As We ForgiveChantal—two Rwandan women coming face-to-face with the men who slaughtered their families during the 1994 genocide. The subjects of As We Forgive speak for a nation still wracked by the grief of a genocide that killed one in eight Rwandans in 1994. Overwhelmed by an enormous backlog of court cases, the government has returned over 50,000 thousand genocide perpetrators back to the very communities they helped to dest. Without the hope of full justice, Rwanda has turned to a new solution: Reconciliation. But can it be done? Can survivors truly forgive the killers who destroyed their families? Can the government expect this from its people? And can the church, which failed at moral leadership during the genocide, fit into the process of reconciliation today? In As We Forgive, director Laura Waters Hinson and narrator Mia Farrow explore these topics through the lives of four neighbors once caught in opposite tides of a genocidal bloodbath, and their extraordinary journey from death to life through forgiveness. The film will be introduced by Rose Elizondo. Afterwards, she will lead a discussion. Rose is a member of the San Quentin Prison Restorative Justice Roundtable who believes forgiveness has the power to transform society.

Music: Emma’s Revolution

Dancing on the edge of folk and pop, there’s a revolution: emma’s revolution. Emma's Revolution“Bold, profound, moving, hilarious and transformative.” The sound of passion in “deftly-turned phrases,” songs imbued with hope, warmth and the “power and drive” to turn tears into laughter, cynicism into action. A motivating force in intimate concerts and mass demonstrations, infused with inspiration from the legacy of music for social change, Pat Humphries and Sandy O’s dynamic harmonies are multiplied by hundreds of thousands. Emma Goldman stood for everybody’s right to beautiful, radiant things. Join the revolution!

Film: Women of Faith

Women of FaithWomen of Faith examines the choice to lead a profoundly religious life. Through interviews with active and contemplative nuns, a former nun, and a woman who was ordained in the face of possible excommunication, a wide range of views on everything from women’s ordination to homosexuality to the very nature of faith are included. It features an honest, challenging discussion of what it means to be a Catholic, even if you disagree with the Church.


Gloria Ulterino & Women of the Well “Mama’s Mansion:” A Liturgical Parable in Story and Song

The reign of God is like a family reunion where everyone is welcomed home. Mama's MansionCome and meet Mama (the Wisdom Woman), Sarah, and the Woman with the Lost Coin. As they prepare for the family reunion, they welcome Eve, Mary of Magdala, the Madres of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina, and Gabrielle Bossis… 20th century French actress and mystic. So, in the words of the title song, “Come on in… things are’bout to begin… we’ve been expecting you!” In January 1998, Gloria Ulterino first called together a group of women to tell the stories of women in Scripture and Tradition through liturgical drama, story, and song. They now have developed eight programs, bringing them to Western New York… Maryknoll, NY… Hartford, CT… Ottawa, Canada… and now Milwaukee.

Mixed marriage nixed

The wire services and blogosphere are full of the story of the Louisiana Justice of the Peace who refused to marry an interracial couple.  Here is a portion of the AP story.

A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have.

Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

With this 2009 news story, allow me to repost an earlier entry about Loving v. Virginia.

In 1958, Richard and Mildred Loving were arrested in Virginia and charged with violating that state’s anti-miscegenation laws prohibiting inter-racial marriages.  With the assistance of the ACLU, the couple fought all the way to the US Supreme Court which overruled their conviction in June of 1967, 42 years ago.

According to blogger Nick Covington, the trial court that found them guilty cited religious “truths”:

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

My wife and I are white folks of Scandinavian ancestry, but this fall we expect to become grandparents of a “beautiful brown baby”, in the words of my now deceased mother.  When mom was dying of ALS, she expressed few regrets, but she confided to Guni, my black son-in-law-to-be, that she was sorry that she wouldn’t get to meet her great-grandkids, the “beautiful brown babies” to be born of his marriage to our daughter Greta.

Greta and Guni

So, when the child is born sometime around Oct 1, one of the prayers I will offer will be thanks for mom’s compassionate heart.  I will also remember the words of our friend, Sandra from Barbados, who said life is good “when you’re all mixed up” referring to her own pot pourri ethnicity of English, African, and East Indian.

UPDATE:  Awashima Marlee (Mom’s name) Andzenge was born on October 4.  Click here for more info and a photo with Grandpa.

While vestiges of racism remain, America has clearly traveled far down the road of racial justice in the 42 years since the arrest of the Lovings.  But  interest in the Loving’s story is rekindled as precedent for the analogous struggle for gay marriage.  Although she has since passed away, Mildred Loving herself stirred the debate with her own statement two years ago on the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in her own case (quoted in Mountain Sage blog):

My generation was bitterly divided over something that should have been so clear and right. The majority believed that what the judge said, that it was God’s plan to keep people apart, and that government should discriminate against people in love. But I have lived long enough now to see big changes. The older generation’s fears and prejudices have given way, and today’s young people realize that if someone loves someone they have a right to marry.gaymarriage

Surrounded as I am now by wonderful children and grandchildren, not a day goes by that I don’t think of Richard and our love, our right to marry, and how much it meant to me to have that freedom to marry the person precious to me, even if others thought he was the ‘wrong kind of person’ for me to marry. I believe all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people’s religious beliefs over others. Especially if it denies people’s civil rights.

I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard’s and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight seek in life. I support the freedom to marry for all. That’s what Loving, and loving, are all about.

I’m not sure about imbedding video in this blog, so I will simply refer you to another blog, Down with Tyranny, to listen to Nanci Griffith’s title song from her album to be released on June 9, The Loving Kind.



Call to Action: a movement of progressive Catholics

Early in November, Call to Action (Catholics working together for Justice and Equality) will hold its National Conference in Milwaukee with three intensive days of seminars, speeches, workshops, music, children and teen programs, prayer, and networking amongst progressive Catholics.  This blog will provide regular posts prior to, during, and in followup to the Convention.

Call To Action is a Catholic movement working for equality and justice in the Church and society. An independent national organization of over 25,000 people and 53 local chapters, Call To Action believes that the Spirit of God is at work in the whole Church, not just in its appointed leaders. The entire Catholic Church has the obligation of responding to the needs of the world and taking initiative in programs of peace and justice. Call To Action promotes its vision of a progressive, engaged Catholicism through its acclaimed annual conferences, award-winning publications, extensive network of regional groups and joint programs with other Catholic renewal organizations.

The theme of the 2009 National Convention is “Everyone at the Table: Rejoicing as People of God.”  Signup and registration info is here.  Here is the agenda for day one, Friday November 6th:

Pre-Conference Seminars: 9 AM – 3 PM

Frank DeBernardo and the Next Generation Leadership Team
Just Love: A Workshop/Retreat on Right Relationship

DeBernardoWhether you are lesbian, heterosexual, gay, bisexual, the question of what defines a life-giving and holy sexual relationship between yourself and a significant other can be a difficult one to explore. This program, designed for couples and singles, provides an overview of contemporary insights from theology and participants’ personal experiences. All ages are welcome. CTA’s NextGeneration Leadership Team guides and supports the activities of the NextGen community, an inclusive group of reform-minded Catholics in their 20’s and 30’s. Francis DeBernardo is Executive Director of New Ways Ministry, a national Catholic ministry of justice and education for lesbian/gay Catholics and the wider church. For the past 15 years, he has presented programs on sexuality, theology, personal development and spirituality, and pastoral care in scores of Catholic dioceses.

Edwina Gateley: In God’s Womb

GateleyIn a world of noise, activity and pressure we will spend this day sinking into the silence and grace of God. Through contemplative prayer, poetry and music we will spend time alone with God as we seek to enter into our inner consciousness. Silence is requested. Edwina Gateley is a poet, speaker, author of thirteen books and a mom. She founded the international volunteer missionary Movement (VMM) and Genesis House – a program for women in recovery from prostitution. Edwina has worked as a lay woman in the church for over 40 years and is still hanging in there.


David Saavedra, Ann Cass & Jorge Mújica Murias
Immigration: The Need for Just & Comprehensive Legislative Reform

SaavedraSaavedra, Cass, and Mújica Murias will explore the myths of undocumented immigration in the US and the need for just and comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The panel will respond to the intensified enforcement and militarization of border communities, and will lead discussion on detention and deportation abuses and workplace raids and their effects on communities throughout the country, while offering recommendations for alternative policies and practices. Ann Williams Cass is Executive Director of Proyecto Azteca in San Juan, Texas, a self-help housing program for migrant workers and people who reside in colonias, She has been actively involved in immigration issues in South Texas since 1981 and is a member of the US-Mexico Border and ImmigrationTask Force. David Saavedra is a licensed clinical social worker and a marriage and family therapist. He is clinical director for Hope Family Health Center, a nonprofit that provides primary medical and mental health services to the poor in McAllen, Tx. The agency provides services to a high number of immigrants. Mr. Saavedra is also on the national board of CTA. Born and raised in Mexico, Mújica has lived in the United States since 1987. An awarded journalist, he currently publishes an opinion column printed in over 30 newspapers in Mexico and the United States. Since 2006, Mújica has been the most visible face in the movement to achieve comprehensive immigration reform and legalization for some 12 million undocumented immigrants in the country.


Chris Schenk, Barbara Guerin & Dianne Bergant
Women and the Word: Bridging the Gap

Schenk / Guerin / BergantThis pre-conference day is designed to ‘bridge the gap’ between the reality of women’s biblical leadership and the experience of most church goers today. Participants will engage in a process designed to identify issues contributing to the invisibility of women’s biblical leadership in preaching and proclamation. Together we will explore creative strategies for overcoming obstacles to gender-balanced proclamation of the Word in your parish or small faith community. Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA will provide her outstanding expertise and creativity in discussing biblical women leaders, how it came to be that we don’t hear about them in Church, and what preachers can do about it. She is Professor of Old Testament Studies at Chicago’s Catholic Theological Union and the author of Preaching the New Lectionary: Cycles A, B, and C and People of the Covenant. Sr. Chris Schenk CSJ will explore practical ways of overcoming obstacles to gender balanced proclamation of the Word both at home and in Rome. Schenk has a Master’s degrees in midwifery and theology and is the Executive Director of FutureChurch. In 2007 and 2008 Schenk coordinated an international effort to “put women back in the biblical picture” at the Vatican’s Synod on the Word. Ms. Barbara Guerin will share learnings from her many years of experience as Chair of the Women’s Ministry committee at her parish in Irvine CA. Barbara is an Executive Consultant for the IBM Company, a mother, grandmother and an MA candidate in Religious Studies at Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles.



Pace e Bene Team
Everyone at the Table: Awakening Soul Force for a JustChurch

Butigan / Preston-PileKen Preston Pile, Ken Butigan, and the Pace e Bene team will use the tools of spiritually-grounded nonviolent change to invite participants to create a vision, challenge the obstacles, and create a road map to a JustChurch. The process will be creative and interactive and use a variety of learning styles. Part one of a four-part series. For Pace e Bene, nonviolence is more than a principle for effective protest – it is a way of life. For two decades Pace e Bene’s unique approach has been transforming lives and reaching people around the globe. Since its founding in 1989, over 25,000 people have taken 600 Pace e Bene workshops to gain tools for more healthy relationships and to create a new society. Pace e Bene has offices and associates in Oakland, Chicago, Las Vegas, New England, Washington, DC (Metro Area), Montreal, Australia, and Nigeria, and a growing number of partners and trainers in the US and around the world. Together they work with individuals, organizations, and movements to strengthen their efforts to end war, protect human rights, challenge injustice, and to meet today’s profound spiritual task: to build a more just and peaceful world.

Lena Woltering
Living Our Dream Without Forfeiting Our Catholic Identity

WolteringThe Lay Synod Movement is designed to create an experience of Church where we live out and share our moral convictions for the betterment of humankind. Ideally, religion is supposed to provide a nurturing environment for that work to be done, but sometimes it becomes an oppressive stumbling block. When Jesus saw that Judaism was no longer an environment that nurtured love, he felt obliged to reform it by reforming its members. Folks who have become involved in local lay synods are recognizing their responsibility to re-vision their roles as Catholics. They are people who have been grounded in Catholic Social teachings and gospel values and recognize that Catholicism is far more than a membership in an organization; it is an identity that no one (not even the Pope) can revoke or strip away. Lena Woltering has been active in Church Reform and Social Justice work for many years. She served on the National Board of CTA for 11 years and was Coordinator of Fellowship of Southern Illinois Laity (FOSIL) from 1993-2003. Lena served on the State Board of the Illinois Death Penalty Moratorium Project, has worked in prison ministry and served on the board of Seeds of Hope – a ministry advocating for people with disabilities. She currently does local chapter organizing for CTA and travels the country helping folks organize local lay synods.

Exhibits, Networking, Caucuses: 3 PM – 7 PM
Repairers of the Breach choir performs in the Exhibit Hall at 3:30 PM.
Regional caucuses in Plenary Hall.

Dinner: 5 PM – 7 PM

Opening Liturgy & Welcome Address: 7 PM
Co-Presidents Patty Hawk and Paul Scarbrough welcome attendees to Call To Action’s 2009 National Conference.

Keynote – Roy Bourgeois: 7:30 PM
A New Model of Being Church

BourgeoisThe exclusion of women from the priesthood in the Catholic Church is a grave injustice against women and a grave injustice against the God who calls women to be priests. In his keynote address, Bourgeois will explore the roots of sexism in the Church’s history and how an all-male clergy has led to a crisis in our present-day Church. Since justice is an integral part of our faith, Bourgeois will reflect upon what each of us can do to reform our Church and create a new model of being Church. A graduate of the University of Louisiana, Roy Bourgeois received a Purple Heart in Vietnam, entered the Maryknoll Order and was ordained in 1972, and went on to work with the poor of Bolivia. Bourgeois became an outspoken critic of US foreign policy in Latin America and has spent four years in prison for his nonviolent protests against the School of the Americas. In 2008, the Vatican ordered Bourgeois to recant his support of the ordination of women or face excommunication. He responded to the Vatican saying that, in conscience, he cannot recant.

Money, money, money #ELCA #CWA09 #LMCACORE

ELCA Lutherans met in Minneapolis during the third week in August for their 2009 biennial Churchwide Assembly.  In the midst of the convention, on Friday, August 21, Lutheran Core (the organized opposition to pro-LGBT policies) issued a press release condemning the approval of  revamped ministry policies that authorized the ordination of gay clergy and “support and recognition” of committed same-gender couples.  The press release renounced Lutheran Core’s formal relationship to the ELCA and called for a financial boycott of the ELCA.

Lutheran CORE leaders are inviting faithful Lutheran congregations and individuals to direct funding away from the national church body because of the decisions made this week by the Churchwide Assembly. Lutheran CORE will participate in and support faithful ELCA ministries, but, cannot support ELCA ministries that reject the authority of God’s Word.

An earlier blog post asked “Who bears the burden of withheld funds?” and contained a letter from an ELCA mission congregation pastor concerned that his multi-ethnic startup would be jeopardized.  The issue has not abated, and the Rev. Stephen P. Bouman recently submitted an open letter to Core in which he asks, “Will you be serious about mission?” Bouman is executive director for the ELCA’s Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission. Stephen Bouman Bouman attended the recent Core Convocation a couple of weeks ago.

Bouman called his experience at the meeting “sobering.” He said he attended the meeting to listen and to “make sure that unintended consequences of withdrawal from mission support as a means of protest do not hurt” the “precious missions of our church.”

“I want to say as publicly and as strongly as possible that exactly the opposite is true,” he said. “I want to beseech Lutheran CORE to build your witness and your organization around truthful conversation and not on caricatures of your church body or unfounded fear.”

Are funds being redirected or merely withheld?  Does the Core boycott merely justify the human tendency to hoard and not share?  If funds are redirected from synod benevolence to Lutheran Core, what does Core do with the money?  Does it go to mission or ministry, or does it merely go to the development of Core’s own power base and infrastructure?  What is Core’s motivation behind their boycott?  Is it missional or selfish?  We note that Core’s website now offers a functionality for an online credit card donation to Core (administered by WordAlone).  Follow the money.

ELCA presiding Bishop, Mark Hanson, posed an equally ominous challenge a few weeks ago:

Although these actions [withholding funds] are promoted as a way to signal opposition to churchwide assembly actions or even to punish the voting members who made them, the result will be wounds that we inflict on ourselves, our shared life, and our mission in Christ.

But the financial news is not all bad.  Some ELCA congregations, including my own, are considering an increase in their synod benevolence.  Others are finding other ways to look outward rather than inward with congregational funds.

Augusta Victoria Hospital, a medical facility of the Lutheran World Federation on the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem, and a food pantry near Madison, Wis., were ministries “outside of our building” that inspired the 1,000-member St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Monona, Wis., to tithe money it is raising to fix the church roof, said its pastor, the Rev. Nicholas G. Utphall.

“Fixing our roof and paying our mortgage are certainly important details in the life of our congregation, and those necessities have come to serve as a reminder of the larger mission we are about here,” he said. “The news of congregations withholding money makes it seem very appropriate.”

[I]t is also important to recognize the vast extent of what our dollars do in this church,” Utphall said. “There is so much vital social and gospel work done by this church in this country and around the world that there is simply no way to know everything that we are doing as the ELCA. We regularly hear people say that they are proud to be a part of this church and its work,” he said.

Huge gay rights happenings in D.C.

Saturday and Sunday this week, the 11th and 12th of October, will see thousands of LGBT activists descend on our nation’s capital for the National Equality March sponsored by Equality Across America.  Many religious LGBT advocacy groups will participate:

Integrity USA (Episcopal)

Dignity USA (Catholic)

More Light Presbyterians



Meanwhile, on Saturday evening, President Obama will address the 13th  Annual National Dinner of the Human Rights Campaign.

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.

President Obama is not the first sitting President to attend an HRC Dinner: that honor goes to President Clinton in 1997. 

And all of this comes together as the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes bill nears final passage.

Today [October 8] the U.S. House of Representatives passed the conference report for the FY 2010 Defense Authorization bill by a vote of 281 to 146, bringing critical hate crimes protections closer to becoming law than ever before. Earlier this week, the House voted down a last-ditch effort to eliminate the hate crimes language, through a procedural effort called a motion to instruct conferees.

The conference report now proceeds to the Senate for its final vote in Congress. In July, the Senate voted to attach the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act to the Defense Authorization measure and is expected to approve the conference report as early as next week. President Obama has repeatedly pledged to sign the bill when it reaches his desk.

Integrity USA, the Episcopal LGBT advocacy group, quotes this news report about the historic legislation:

WASHINGTON — A House vote Thursday put Congress on the verge of significantly expanding hate crimes law to make it a federal crime to assault people because of their sexual orientation. The legislation would bring major changes to law enacted in the days after Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination in 1968.

“No American should ever have to suffer persecution or violence because of who they are, how they look or what they believe,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., noting that hate crimes legislation has been on her agenda since she first entered Congress more than two decades ago.

Civil rights groups and their Democratic allies have come close to expanding the hate crimes bill several times in the past decade, but have always fallen short because of lack of House-Senate coordination or opposition from former President George W. Bush.

But this time, it appears that they may succeed. The legislation was attached to a must-pass $680 billion defense policy bill that the Senate could approve as early as next week. President Barack Obama has promised to sign it into law. The late Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., was a longtime advocate of the hate crimes legislation.

The House vote on the defense bill was 281-146. Unlike usual defense bill votes, most of those in opposition — 131 out of the 146 — were Republicans objecting strenuously to inclusion of what they referred to as “thought crimes” legislation in a defense bill.

The Spirit of a Liberal is now part of the Christian Century Blog Network

I have previously included blog posts from Theolog, the blog of the Christian Century Magazine. 

The Christian Century is a non-denominational biweekly magazine that has long been recognized as the preeminent independent publication of mainline Protestantism.  Its prestigious status is reflected in the list of esteemed contributors to the magazine’s pages.  Recognizable names from the past include Jane Addams, Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Luther King Jr., Richard John Neuhaus, and Albert Schweitzer.  More recently, the list includes Martin Marty, Carol Zaleski, Walter Brueggemann, Barbara Brown Taylor, and Will Willimon.

I am pleased that this blog, The Spirit of a Liberal, has been accepted into the Christian Century blog network … “thinking critically, living faithfully”.  Here is the announcement from Steve Thorngate, the editor of Theolog.


Welcome new CCbloggers

Mon, 10/05/2009 – 13:39 — Steve Thorngate

There are several new bloggers in the network. Drop by and check them out:

Debra Dean Murphy, an Ekklesia Project board member and lectionary blogger, is on the religion faculty at West Virginia Wesleyan College. She blogs at Intersections.

Ryan Dueck is a Mennonite Brethren pastor in British Columbia. He calls himself a “hopeful skeptic” and blogs at Rumblings.

Virginia Episcopal priest Peter Carey is a contributor to Episcopal Cafe. He blogs at Santos Woodcarving Popsicles.

Thomas Bowen, a minister at Washington D.C.’s Shiloh Baptist Church, writes about religion and politics at Blogging to the Choir.

Baptist pastor Joshua Hearne blogs at Telling the Stories That Matter, which consists of lively retellings of saints’ lives.

Eponymous blogger Beth A. Richardson is a United Methodist deacon, a writer/musician/photographer and the editor of

Robert Minto, a philosophy major at Dordt College, is on his way to both seminary and law school. He blogs at The Veil Away.

Lutheran lawyer Obie Holmen lives in Northfield, Minnesota. He blogs at Spirit of a Liberal.

Nestingen’s whoppers #ELCA #CWA09 #LMCACORE

In previous posts, I discussed the article of retired theologian, James Nestingen, in which he charged that the ELCA is no longer a church.  Thus, ELCA members are now “unchurched” according to Nestingen.  I started my earlier post with a folksy fish story Nestingen once told involving a boatload of whoppers.  Today, I write about a different type of Nestingen “whopper”.

The Nestingen article first appeared on the WordAlone website, but it has now made its way to the Lutheran Core website.  By posting the article, Lutheran Core endorses its hyperbole, exaggerations, and outright falsehoods.  Much of his article is dedicated to de-legitimizing the actions of the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly regarding same-gender relationships.  Dissatisfied with the voting results, he criticizes the voters.  And the procedures.  And the leadership.  He twists the facts.  He falsely accuses interested parties of intimidation.  But he never, never considers that his might be the minority view, and that his side lost the elections, fair and square.

The truth is that the 1,045 voting members at the assembly were elected nationwide by local conferences and regional synods.  Most of them were laity.  Nestingen referred to these dedicated individuals and their 2009 Assembly votes as “a naked power play by the privileged—the few allowed some actual voice in the proceedings.”

His words drip with contempt for the 65 elected bishops, the presiding bishop, and other leadership: “national officials along with the bishops do whatever they can to stage manage the assemblies, thereby moving the voting members in their own direction.  The ELCA has made such power mongering official procedure and policy.”

I’m a retired trial lawyer, and I understand the importance of the rules of evidence, but it appears Nestingen the theologian does not, even though he claims, “Rules of evidence, the normal standards for disciplined consideration go right out the window.” His article is then rife with inadmissable hearsay.   “According to second hand reports,” he says.  “In fact, while the evidence has been difficult to come by,” he admits.  He also relies upon “whispered apprehensions to sympathetic ears.”

There is also something in the rules of evidence about truth telling, and Nestingen appears to overlook that minimal requirement as well.  There are two statements in his article that are blatantly false.

First, he said, “while the gay advocates freely use the microphones, those who are opposed remain conspicuously silent.”  Say what?  Were you there, Dr. Nestingen?  If you were there or watched the live stream of the proceedings, did you not see the two lines behind the red and green microphones where the speakers were alternated between those for and those against?  If you did not witness this personally, either live or via feed, whose hearsay report are you relying upon?

And then there’s this slanderous falsehood, “the hallways and the back of the assembly fill up with gay advocates bussed in to influence the voters using, commonly enough, intimidation up to and including physical threats.”  Physical threats, Dr. Nestingen?  “Commonly enough,” as if physical intimidation was the order of the day? 

Again, I must ask, were you there Dr. Nestingen?  I was, and I am willing to state unequivocally that your charges are false.  I was a Goodsoil volunteer, Dr. Nestingen, and you bear false witness against me. 

There was no bussing.  I drove to the assembly at my own expense, and while there may have been some car pooling, there was no bussing.  People like me volunteered to come to the assembly, we came at our own expense to help in whatever way we could: prayer vigils, distributing materials, singing, or helping with Goodsoil’s facility at the assembly.  Many incurred airfare and hotel costs. 

More importantly, there was not a single incident of intimidation that I witnessed or participated in.  To the contrary, we were constantly reminded to be courteous and polite.  All volunteers received training in “graceful engagement”.  Each and every Goodsoil volunteer that I met exhibited a kind heart and generous spirit as they attempted to exhibit “bound conscience” respect toward all.

Hear the words of Emily Eastwood, executive director of Lutherans Concerned / North America and Goodsoil leader,

It is both disappointing and dismaying that there are those, responding to their anger and pain, who seek to enflame passions against us and against the church through inaccuracies, exaggerations, and lies about what took place, why it took place, and what it means.  That this rhetoric is neither corrected nor curtailed by those in positions to do so among those opposed to the decisions makes those leaders complicit in the spread of untruths.

I understand that there are those who mightily disagree with the actions of the 2009 ELCA assembly.  I also understand that they steadfastly believe they are right.  However, such self assurance does not justify unbridled self righteousness that tilts toward demagoguery.

ELCA Conference of Bishops moves to implement gay friendly policies #CWA09 #ELCA

ELCA header Yesterday, I reported on the ELCA Conference of Bishops and the address of Presiding Bishop, Mark Hanson.  There were substantive measures accomplished as well at the Conference.

At the 2009 Churchwide assembly in August, the ELCA approved a 32 page sexuality statement, which is a broad policy document but without specific procedures.  Similarly, the Convention approved a new ministry policy that will allow congregations to “recognize and support” persons in a “lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationship” and to allow such persons to become ordained clergy, but without specific implementing procedures.  The task of implementing these broad policy statements falls to the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council.

A related question is the status of nearly twenty LGBT clergy who serve ELCA parishes but without official status or recognition.  Such congregations were often censured by the ELCA, and several were actually expelled from the ELCA during the ‘90s.  I previously blogged about these extra ordinem ordinations and congregations.

The Conference of Bishops received letters from Rev. Gerald B. Kieschnick, the President of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church (LCMS), and Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops, which encouraged the Conference to refrain from implementing any marriage equality and gay clergy policies, despite the actions of the assembly in August.  These letters evince a lack of understanding about ELCA authority.  The ELCA Churchwide assembly–over a thousand voting members, chosen from conferences and synods around the country, consisting of both laity and clergy–is the ultimate authority in the democratic polity of the ELCA.  Decisions are not made top down by the presiding Bishop nor by the Conference of Bishops nor by the Church Council.  For the Conference of Bishops to ignore the will of the Churchwide assembly would be a serious breach of its authority, and the pleas from the LCMS and the Conference of Catholic Bishops are not merely “stick your nose in our business” interference, but they encourage the Council of Bishops to impose a hierarchy inconsistent with the ELCA constitution.

To their credit, the bishops meeting in conference ignored these pleas and moved forward with the business of the church.  Regarding the extra ordinem clergy, a committee of bishops was formed to engage these extra ordinem pastors and to report back to the Conference of Bishops in time for the January 2010 Academy meeting of the bishops. 

Regarding the implementation of ministry policies, the bishops “requested to see the changes being made to Vision and Expectations and Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline before they are sent to the Church Council for action.  This will put those changes to the bishops in time for their meeting in March, prior to the April meeting of the Church Council,”  according to a press release from Lutherans Concerned North America (LC/NA), the LGBT advocacy group within the ELCA.

Here is the official news release from the ELCA:

The Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) reviewed and discussed drafts of possible revisions to ELCA ministry policies during their Oct. 1-6 meeting here. As a result of their discussions, the bishops requested they have another opportunity to review updated revisions, likely to mean that final action on new policy language will not occur before April 2010.

The Conference of Bishops is an advisory body of the church, consisting of the ELCA’s 65 synod bishops, the presiding bishop and secretary.

The 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, which met in August in Minneapolis, directed the church to revise its ministry policies. One revision will make it possible for Lutherans in publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationships to serve as ELCA associates in ministry, clergy, deaconesses and diaconal ministers. The assembly also adopted a social statement on human sexuality.

The Rev. Stanley N. Olson, executive director, ELCA Vocation and Education, said the drafts were the result of collaborative work between staff of the Office of the Secretary, Vocation and Education, and the Committee on Appeals. An implementing resolution in the social statement affects the ELCA Board of Pensions work, he said.

Emily Eastwood, Executive Director of LC/NA, said,

Though we are disappointed that resolution could not be had in time for the November Church Council meeting, the discussions of the bishops were thorough, thoughtful, and revealed a commitment to moving forward to implementation of the decisions of the 2009 assembly.  We went to the meeting of the bishops as a solid coalition of ELM, Goodsoil and Lutherans Concerned/North America.  We are pleased that progress has been made, and that there is a commitment to resolution in time for the April 2010 Church Council meeting.  Particularly, we are pleased that at long last we are being talked with, instead of just being talked about. (emphasis added)

Meanwhile, opponents of the August assembly actions are calling for release of the text of proposed changes and other information for broad church discussion prior to implementation.  Such a request is appropriate, and there is an indication that the ELCA website will soon post detailed information.